Mr. Jazzy

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Mr. Jazzy
Other name(s) Mr. Styles
Breed Domestic Shorthair
Coat Black (Brown) Mackerel Tabby
Sex Male
Rarity Uncommon
Occupation Lead singer of the GOODCAT Jazz Band
Appearance Shorthaired tabby cat with white paws, and a white chest
Personality MENACE
First known sighting May 31, 2024
Parents Unknown
Siblings Mr. Bass- Brother (older)
Partner None
Children None

Other Orange Cat & Mr. Apricot - Enemies

Mr. Trumpet - Friends

Mr. Jazzy is a cat from the GOODCAT冻干屋 feeder. His name comes from the swag he emits when he rests one paw on the feeder (and previously the GOODCAT 2 box).

He was first sighted on May 31, 2024. He has only recently began visiting the feeder more often. This is evident by his cautious nature around the feeder and its cats.

Mr. Jazzy is distinguishable from other Brown Tabbies by his white paws.


Mr. Jazzy is quite a cautious cat. He will eat from the feeder happily, still checking his surroundings. However, when other cats become involved, Mr. Jazzy seems to feel quite threatened.

He has been spotted wacking other cats when they get too close. He has also been known to wack other cats when he wants a turn at the feeder, suggesting he is not very patient.

Like many of the GOODCAT visitors, Mr. Jazzy is a known glutton.

Mr. Jazzy has began sitting on top of the feeder and warding other cats away. What a menace.


Now you see him... now you don't!
Mr. Jazzy vs OOC (GIF)
Mr. Jazzy taps Mr. Bass in an attempt to steal his food (GIF)

Mr. Jazzy is a typical Brown Tabby cat. He is shorthaired, and has tabby markings all over him. His face has slightly lighter areas. His chest is completely white. He also has white paws (or "socks"). He is of average size. He is sometimes seen with very wide eyes.

Mr. Jazzy from above.
Mr. Jazzy wakes from his nap at the sound of kibble falling (GIF)
Mr. Jazzy chases off a poor Mr. Apricot. (GIF)


Mr. Jazzy is very alerted by Mr. Domino

May 2024

  • May 31, 2024: At around 11:45 PM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy was spotted for the first time at GOODCAT 2. He ate some chicken snacks, standing around the box instead of sitting in it.

June 2024

  • June 08, 2024: At around 01:50 PM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy was spotted again at GOODCAT 2. This time, he had conquered the box, and was sitting inside. He was incredibly chilled out, with his paw resting on the side of the box. A little bit later, he got up and left.
  • June 16, 2024: At around 01:57 AM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy was seen eating at GOODCAT 2. Shortly after, Other Orange Cat arrived. The two cats batted at each other wearily, before OOC dove in to grab some food. Mr. Jazzy tried to wack him again, but OOC was unfazed. They would tentatively bat at each other a bit more, until OOC hissed at Mr. Jazzy, driving him away. The GOODCATS were being BADCATS that day...
  • June 28, 2024: At around 02:30 AM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy was spotted eating at GOODCAT 2.

July 2024

  • July 03, 2024: At around 12:18 AM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy was seen at GOODCAT 2, with Other Orange Cat waiting behind him. Mr. Jazzy was very cautious of OOC after their last encounter. Mr. Jazzy wacked OOC once he got too close, causing OOC to leave. Their rivalry continues another day.
    • At around 05:19 AM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy approached the GOODCAT 2 feeder, whilst another tabby cat was eating. Mr. Jazzy gave the other tabby a warning tap, however the tabby did not care, and so Mr. Jazzy left. A few minutes later, after the tabby had left, Mr. Jazzy stopped by again to eat.
    • At around 03:08 PM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy was seen waiting for food, and then ate happily once he received it.
    • At around 06:40 PM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy was seen once again. This time, he simply stared at the food instead of eating it. It was at this point that viewers realized he may be taking shelter from the rain outside. About 20 minutes later, Mr. Domino arrived at the feeder. Shockingly, Mr. Jazzy did not resort to violence this time, and allowed Domino to stay.
  • July 04, 2024: At around 06:15 AM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy was seen lounging outside of GOODCAT 2, whilst Mr. Bass was eating.
    • At around 08:13 PM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy was sitting at GOODCAT 2, watching Mrs. Uneasy eat. For some reason, this angered Mrs. Uneasy, who launched at Mr. Jazzy and chased him off.
  • July 06, 2024: At around 05:15 AM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy was seen eating together with Mr. Trumpet, a small orange kitten. It is unknown what their relation to each other is, but they seemed friendly.
    • At around 11:15 PM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy was seen acting skittish whilst Mrs. Uneasy was eating. It seems Mr. Jazzy still remembers their last encounter. He let out a meow before running off, leaving Mrs. Uneasy rather confused. Mr. Jazzy returned to the feeder once Uneasy had left. He let out another meow and teleported away. He then came back several times, as viewers donated more chicken. He would then hop on top of the Cat House, out of the viewers' sight.
  • July 08, 2024: At around 08:40 PM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy's tail could be seen from atop GOODCAT 2, whilst Mr. Apricot was eating below. Mr. Apricot was very fearful of Mr. Jazzy, hissing at him whilst Mr. Jazzy growled. Eventually, Mr. Jazzy hopped down and chased Mr. Apricot away. Mr. Jazzy ate for a bit, and then hopped back on top of the feeder, causing other cats to approach and quickly leave once they noticed him.
  • July 09, 2024: At around 08:30 AM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy was seen eating alongside Mr. Trumpet. Perhaps they are related, or maybe Mr. Jazzy is friendlier towards kittens.
  • July 10, 2024: At around 08:15 PM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy was heard growling from atop the feeder, spooking Mr. Apricot, who was sat inside. Mr. Jazzy would jump down and chase Mr. Apricot away for the second time. He then had the audacity to eat all of the food and wait for more (of which he received - he's still very cute).
  • July 17, 2024: At around 12:43 AM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy and Mr. Trumpet came to the feeder together. They were both very excited about the chicken snacks, trying to gobble them all up.
  • July 18, 2024: At around 05:24 AM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy arrived at GOODCAT 2. Shortly after, Mr. Trumpet would appear, and both cats ate together. Jazzy would leave whilst Mr. Trumpet finished off the rest of the food.
  • July 27, 2024: At around 05:15 AM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy came to the feeder by himself. He would happily munch away at the food he received.
  • July 29, 2024: At around 10:38 PM (LFT), Mr. Jazzy was lurking in the background, whilst Mr. Apricot was eating. The two cats hissed at each other, before Mr. Jazzy scared Mr. Apricot away. Once Jazzy took over the feeder, Mr. Domino appeared. Domino tried to say hello, but Mr. Jazzy hissed at him. Feeling violated, Domino tried to bite Jazzy. However, Mr. Jazzy quickly recovered and glared at him, causing Domino to move back.

(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")


 List of feeders and cats from GOODCAT

Itty BittyKikiMr. AmanojakuMr. ApricotMrs. ArriveMr. Bass
Ms. BusinessMr. CloroMs. CoralineMr. DominoMr. Eek
Mrs. Geometry DashMr. JazzyMr. MlemMs. SalesMr. Trumpet
Mrs. UneasyMr. UnibrowMs. WordMr. YetiOther Orange Cat


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