Hi! Let me tell you about the lesser known cats at Bob's feeder
First is Sans; he is a scruffy little gray and white guy. Like Bob, he has big bug eyes; he uses them to stare very hard at things. Like Dame Knight, he enjoys harassing the dispenser in hopes that food will come out for him. He is a New Yorker in spirit. I love him very much and would die for him.
Looking at the feeder
Showing off his soul patch
Looking at you
He's looking very hard
Next is this unnamed Tabby (?) that's been showing up about daily for a while now. This cat is very majestic. He has a beautiful pattern, bold stripes on his legs and sides and yellow eyes. He poses very nicely for the camera. However, he is also an asshole. He will shove his way into the feeder to eat at the expense of other cats. Some, like Dame Knight, will stand up for herself and smack him when he's invading her space. Others, like Rob, are more submissive and watch in dismay as this man eats all of the food that was dispensed for Rob.
Look at its beautiful coat. It looks like it would be a cool fabric pattern.
Its eyes shine in the sun while Rob sits off to the side.
It likes to sit close to the black tarp in the feeder.
You can always count on Dame Knight to put a cat in its place.
Then there's this other brownish cat. At first I couldn't tell if he and the tabby were the same cat, but after he came yesterday, I was able to confirm they were two different cats based off their different paw, tail, and eye colors. The quickest way you'll be able to tell these two cats apart is that the tabby has yellow eyes (like many cats in this feeder) while this cat has blue-gray eyes that sometimes shine greenish in the sun. His personality is similar to the tabby's in that they are both very assertive, but he doesn't wait around or pose for the camera as much as the tabby. This makes it a little harder to get good pics.
Note his blue-gray eyes and less tabby-ish pattern.
Here's a closer look at his pattern. Unlike the tabby, he doesn't have white paws, and the stripes on his legs are less defined. His tail is also more black.
Killing you with his mind.
In addition, there is an unnamed tux that shows up to the feeder. He's not rare but he doesn't show up as often as most of the other cats. Like Mr. Close, he enjoys eating 0.1mm away from the camera, so it's hard to get a good picture of him. He typically shows up, gets to eating while shoving his face in the camera, then leaves as soon as he's done.
This was the best picture I had of him for over two months.
Today he slowed down enough for us to clearly see his face!
He looks like a grumpy guy but he's chill with the boblets and he let one smell him
Here's a nice picture of him sitting outside. About a minute after this, he enters the feeder to do what he does best.
The rarest adult cat at Bob's feeder is this unnamed Calico. I've only seen her at the feeder a few times. From what we've seen of her, she seems like a pretty normal cat; she eats, hangs out, looks outside, etc. But, as most of the cats at this feeder are interesting, I wouldn't be surprised if she has some unique behaviors or facial expressions we haven't seen yet. She's a gorgeous cat! The next time I see her, I'm going to try to get pictures of her back.
Here she is!
Like most cats at this feeder, she has yellow eyes.
She has a cool black swoop on her face that looks like a giant eyeliner wing.
To end things off, here is a picture of my all-time favorite cat: