User:Hernan' the Son
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Isaías Medina Angarita (6 July 1897 – 15 September 1953) was a Venezuelan military and political leader, the president of Venezuela from 1941 until 1945, during World War II. He followed the path of his predecessor Eleazar López Contreras, and ruled the country's democratic transition process.

Medina was born in San Cristóbal, Venezuela, and graduated from the Military academy of Venezuela in 1914. He served as War Minister from 1936 to 1941 under López Contreras. In 1943, he founded the Venezuelan Democratic Party. Medina Angarita was the first Venezuelan president who traveled abroad (in active office). First, in 1943 to the Bolivarian countries, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Panama, and in January 1944, the United States invited by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The visit marked a milestone in the Venezuelan-US relations. Besides being the first time a Venezuelan president (in office) visited the United States, the time the journey was made was understood as an expression of the alliance of Venezuela with the Allies that fought the can't. During the administration of Medina, Venezuela established relations with China in 1943 and the Soviet Union in 1945. Some in the Army considered his presidential regime too liberal while other political enemies accused him of being too conservative, and both sides were involved in a coup to remove him from power on 18 October 1945. Medina died, aged 56, in Caracas.
so i've heard a snow pisser guy
posted bad things of me in his user piss page so i made him a beef sang
i hate snow pisser

Level 0: The Happy Canteen
Threat Index: Class 2
»⠀Low Entity Count
Level 0 is the first level of the HelloStreetCatRooms, and the first location that most wanderers will initially find themselves in.
Level 0 is a feeder but large and infinite bacraams, resembling the feeder of Jiemao. All rooms in Level 0 share the same superficial features, such as solid cyan plastic, a food dispenser, scattered posters of different cats mostly the Entity Mr. Happy, and inconsistently-placed cameras.
The cameras in Level 0 randomly activate with a really bright light. This light might scare you!!! and more obtrusive than ordinary Flash, and examination of the fixtures to determine the source has proven inconclusive. The most prominent threat in Level 0 is the Entity;Mrs. Kirby, most are likely to perish before managing to find an exit due to her.
Linear space in Level 0 is altered drastically; it is possible to walk in a straight line, return to the starting point, and end up in a completely different set of feeders than the ones previously traversed. Due to this phenomenon, and the visual similarity between each room, consistent navigation of Level 0 has proven very difficult. Devices such as phones (except redmi) fail to function within the level, and meows communications are audibly distorted and often prove unreliable.
Sometimes while traveling you will find a Redmi which has only one application called “Jiemao” which will let you see all the cameras in the place, you can donate Kibble/Snacks every 3 minutes in order to distract certain entities for a short period of time.
Above the ceiling cameras on Level 0 lies a cramped, dark space, roughly one meter in height. The air in this area is stale and thick with dust, making it difficult to breathe, and electrical wires line the ceiling in all directions. Attempting to use this space as a means of navigation is impractical, as the ceiling tiles easily give way under pressure.
There's a bunch of entities in this level, the most known one is the entity Mrs. Kirby
Evil Fucking Mrs. Kirby

Mrs. Kirby is an extremely hostile entity that if she manages to see you when you start to die, she will give you only 1 hit, in which your organs will stop working suddenly. The most you can do is look for other entities to distract her or feed her by means of the telephone (Jiemao) to distract her for a while before she starts chasing you again.
More Information At: User:CuzVersion21

Entrances and Exits
Level 0, and by extension, The HelloStreetCatRooms, can be accessed by accidentally walking into a feeder in china in normal reality. In addition, many levels can lead one to Level 0.
There are 2 currently known methods of exiting Level 0.
- You can just break the plastic wall, if you enter in the wall you will be sended to Level 19: Fat Kitty's Nest
- Rarely, wandering far enough in any direction may lead to a type of curtain that, if you open it, will lead you to pass to a large park with two doors. These two doors have a sign with the name of the level. These doors can be:
Exits1-Auspicious Restaurant 2-Happy Canteen No.2 3-All You Can Eat Cafeteria 4-Kitty Happy House |
Level 2: Lucky 7-Eleven Ⅱ
Threat Index: Class 3
»⠀Medium Entity Count
Although the vast majority of wanderers report entering the HelloStreetCatRooms in Level 0, and occasionally Level 1, there are various accounts of Level 2 being initially entered into by wanderers. At present, it is the furthest-known feeder directly accessible from baseline reality.

Level 2 is quite similar to the other levels; its main feature is that this level has some bars overlooking the outside; there is nothing else to highlight; it is quite empty.
You will also find the Jiemao Redmi in this level.
There's a bunch of entities in this level, the most common ones are:
Mr. Zeus

Mr. Zeus is not violent against the wanderer, but he will attack the cameras when you use the phone to deactivate them. When he deactivates them, the option to donate and view the camera will be disabled, and the camera will turn on again after 10 minutes. You can still switch cameras with the phone.
He will also pee in the walls.
Mr. Sneeze

Mr. Sneeze will simply sneeze, his sneeze is stupidly loud, and everything around him when he sneezes is permanently eliminated.
Ms. Glare

Ms. Glare will stare at you, she will do this until you lose your sanity. (¡Thats Crazy!)
Ms. Nuke

Ms. Nuke will just act normal around you, but when you get distracted, she will explode.

Mr. Snack
Mr. Snack will try to hide behind the bars. When you are close enough to him, he will make a flying ambush, which is impossible to escape. There is only one record of someone surviving this attack (Mr. Mark). If you somehow escape, he will keep chasing you. You can try to avoid him by donating snacks with the phone.
Entrances and Exits
- Can be accessed by accidentally walking into a feeder in china
- In Level 1 and Level 5 you can you can donate an exaggerated amount of snacks, after that you will be teleported to Level 2
- Actually if you just spam snacks in any feeder you will be teleported to Level 2
- Sometimes you can find the border gate open, when you enter there you will enter to Level 6 or Level 7
- 0.01% possibility of nuke explosion send you to Level 15
- If you five enough snack to Mr. Snack you can be teleported to CATMOJO