
From StreetCatWiki
July 2024 Monthly TNR Report

July 2024 Street Cat Monthly TNR Report

● 36,343 cats spayed/neutered

● 51,300 Hello Street Cat volunteers

● Partnered with 527 animal clinics

TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) replaces euthanasia with sterilization, halting the uncontrolled reproduction of stray cats and reducing subsequent generations. This method effectively manages the stray cat population. When over 75% of adult cats in a community undergo sterilization, it significantly controls population growth. Near 100% sterilization rates lead to a yearly decline in stray cat numbers, achieving the goal of population control. As of July 13, 2024, 51,300 individuals have signed up as volunteers, many of whom are participating in stray cat TNR actions for the first time. As of June 30, 2024, Purrrr has recorded 36,343 instances of volunteers completing TNR. Let's keep up the good work!

From the Purrrr Facebook page (

More info on TNR