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His Curse of Binding

Tommy had lived and died as Theseus, Icarus, Orpheus and Sisyphus. But all he wanted to be was free. In which Tommy I. Soot, originally born in 1509, is cursed to be reborn, to never reach adulthood unless he figured out the Greek myth of his lifetime.


Tommy Would have told Linda to [____] off, but apparently that wasn’t an option in this case, and, he was partially responsible for his foster brother’s eye being stabbed with a pencil…partially.

“Tommy, this is the fifth time you’ve threatened one of your foster siblings..”

Linda was his ‘Caretaker’..but she wouldn’t hesitate to place him into a different foster home just to get rid of him.

Tommy thought the same about her.

“Well that guy had it coming! He’s a [_____]!”

“Tommy, you stabbed Zak’s eye with a pencil..just, enough..I’ve already scheduled a new foster family, we’ll be meeting them tomorrow morning..”


Tommy silently cursed under his breath…a new foster family..

Y’know, the usual.


“Are we there yet?”

Tommy was getting impatient with the [_____]er..I mean, sure, he gets impatient with everyone, but he hated Linda the most..-

“It’s just around the corner here, and also, your foster father has had..experience, with foster children, your foster brothers will be older than you, so please, try to live with this family for more than a week?..”

So he’d be the youngest..that’s fine with him, he could get away with things easier..

“Yeah, yeah, sure..what’s this place called, anyway? It’s hot as [____], here.”

Tommy was sweating in the heat of the rusty van Linda least he hopes this house will be better and not just exploit children for money..

“It’s called Snow Chester..supposedly it’s some old name..I think the founder’s name was..Tobias?...”


“Wait..from the L’Manburg revolution? Like..the guy who fought alongside W.Soot?”

Tommy then wanted to die..well..he could soon..



As Linda knocked on the door, Tommy heard footsteps and faint speaking..

“Is that the mailman or my dealer who brought my illegal substances?”

“Real family-like, huh, Linda?”

“Quiet, child..”

That [_____] of an old hag..

As the guy opened the door..Tommy saw he had a yellow jacket, brown hair, and circular about anime antagonist..oh, he had a cool red beanie though.


Great, one of his foster brothers is a Brit.

A blonde, middle age looking man poked his head through the door..he looked like Tommy’s father..he hated his dad, that man would be Tommy’s most-hated person, aside of Linda..he wanted that [____]ing man dead..well, he got what he wanted, how else would he end up here?

“Oh! You must be Tommy, mate? That’s Will, and, the other one’s name is Techno, but he’s in his room..”

Who the [____] names a kid after a music genre?..

Tommy was too lost in thought, he looked..scared of him?..Phil saw and he set his face into a soft smile, which made Tommy feel a bit better…

“I suppose we should go in and talk about his file, Mr. Craft?”

Right, his file..Tommy’s file was meant to track his behavior, age, and other [____]ty stuff like that..

“Oh, er- yes ma’am..uh, Tommy, why don’t you and Wilbur say Hi to Techno?”


As Wilbur took Tommy up to Techno’s Room, Tommy noticed there were no ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ posters..that’s a good sign..Tommy also noticed how there were Minecraft house posters…well, it seems like he’ll be living with Minecraft Stans..that’s great.