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Revision as of 19:44, 21 January 2025 by TGBEnthusiest (talk | contribs)
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my glorious god
my glorious king

I make grammar and visual edits every now and then, and when I can identify a cat, I try to list down their sighting. Sometimes I clean up pages, too.

My all seeing eye.

For my G.O.A.T:

Thank you, TGB. Thank you because I am joyful. Thank you because I am well. No matter how old I become, I shall never forget how we received TGB. Centuries will pass, and the generations still to come will regard us as the happiest of mortals, as the most fortunate of men, because we lived in the century of centuries, because we were privileged to see TGB, our inspired leader ... Everything belongs to thee, chief of our great country. And when the woman I love presents me with a child the first word it shall utter will be: TGB.

My perfect loaf.

Mine king, TGB. Praise be him. Bask in his glory, his presence. His superiority. Thy gift. Mine god. Such is TGB.