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User:Melody: Difference between revisions

1,084 bytes added ,  17 July 2024
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m (Swift moved page User:Harmonizeclover to User:Melody: Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Harmonizeclover" to "Melody")
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[[File:Box7.png|alt=Ms. Box sitting upright in her box. She is a very fluffy calico.|left|frameless]]
Discord: @fuelthemelody|breed=Autistic 😎|coat=15 layers in mid July|sex=Yes (genderfluid)|rarity=Common|occupation=The Mines|appearance=Short|personality=Tired (MR TIRED REFERENCE)|first_sighting=A while ago|partner=I love women!!!!!!|children=[[Ms. Box]] & [[Mr. Mlem]]}}

=== Hello!! I'm Melody and I love street cars :) ===
=== Hello! ===
[[Ms. Box]] is my favourite, I hope she's doing well out there!
I'm Melody - I moderate for the wiki & discord. Reach out if you have any questions or need advice!

Special shoutouts to [[Mr. Puke|Ms. Puke]] and [[Mr. Sleepy|Ms. Sleepy]]!!!!
I mainly document [[GOODCAT]], but do bits and pieces for other feeders as well!

[[Mr. Mlem]] my son.....
=== Socials: ===
My discord is @fuelthemelody

Discord is @fuelthemelody
I also run [https://www.tumblr.com/blog/streetcattournament StreetCatTournament] on Tumblr
[[File:GIF 20240608121334771.gif|right|frameless|214x214px]]
=== Kitties!!! ===
{{Userbox|brdrthic=2|brdrclr=#de0f96|bgclr=linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(245,140,221,1) 0%, rgba(231,75,177,1) 63%);|img=Box12.png|text=This user loves '''[[Ms. Box]]'''}}{{Userbox|brdrclr=#cc0cba|bgclr=linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(244,141,241,1) 0%, rgba(228,58,212,1) 63%);|img=Mlemhappy.png|text=This user loves '''[[Mr. Mlem]]'''}}{{Userbox|brdrclr=#b11bd9|bgclr=linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(215,141,244,1) 0%, rgba(194,61,230,1) 63%);|img=MrFisher.webp|text=This user loves '''[[Ms. Sleepy]]'''}}{{Userbox|brdrclr=#7c19e4|bgclr=linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(165,141,244,1) 0%, rgba(142,54,235,1) 63%);|img=Puke-face.png|text=This user loves '''[[Ms. Puke]]'''}}
