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<div style= "text-align: center; font-size: 170%">'''<u>User:AWIKIEDITOR/Sandbox2</u> • [[User:AWIKIEDITOR]] • [[User:AWIKIEDITOR/Sandbox]]'''</div>

=== HOW TO EDIT ===
{{CatInfobox|name=Count Apprentice|image=WaiterFront.png|caption=Apprentice is on the rigth|breed=Domestic Shorthair|coat=Orange|sex=Unknown|rarity=Common|occupation=The Heir of the Coffee Cat House|appearance=Looks like a somewhat young cat (a few months old)|first_sighting=August 30th, 2024|parents=Likely the father is one of the orange cats that frequent the [[Tartar Coffee’s Cat House|feeder]]|other_relations=Is the apprentice of [[Baron Raw Fillet]]}}
=== HOW TO CAT ===
Count Apprentice is a cat that visits the [[Tartar Coffee’s Cat House]] feeder. He was given his name and special prefix due to looking like a smaller version of [[Baron Raw Fillet]].

== NOTES ==
He used to be an uncommon visitor, but over time has started to come over more frequently, making him easier to sight
=== Info that applies in both edit methods won’t be repeated in source edit ===
=== The [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Editing%20pages Media Wiki Guide] (split into different pages) will probably explain it better than I can ===

== First Part : Text Itself ==
== Behavior ==
=== Text types & Special characters ===
He doesn’t do anything notable apart from eating at the feeder
==== Visual Edit ====
*'''BOLD, ITALIC, TRANSLATOR & MORE:''' In order to use these text types, click the ''<u>A</u>''. In order to deactivate the special text click the remove option. The translation feature is also included in this.
== Appearance ==
*'''TITLES:''' Use the Heading option. Please note that using this will change the entire line of text into the heading option used.
He is an adolescent ginger that looks similar to [[Baron Raw Fillet]], with the differences being that Count Apprentice is way slimmer, a bit smaller in size and has goblin-like ears
*'''BULLET LISTS:''' Click the icon that consists in three points with three lines to the side. Typing a * will instantly create a point bullet list and using the ← key on a bullet listed text will generate a new part of the bullet list
[[File:WaiterRaw.png|none|thumb|207x207px|Count from above (rigth)]]
*'''SPECIAL CHARACTERS:''' Click the '''Ω''' icon (Greek omega symbol)
** This function includes special characters
== Sightings ==
==== Source Edit ====
=== August 2024 ===
*'''BOLD, ITALIC & MORE:''' This section does not include the translator, look for text style info below. In order to be able to show this in the page all text style indicatory symbols (' for bold/italic, < > for the rest [The words in between are part of the text style) have been separated, In normal source edit they would be all joined with the middle point being where the words go.
*'''Note: He probably first appeared earlier but was mixed up with [[Baron Raw Fillet]] '''
*** A visual example where the spaces u need to remove are indicated by emojis:''Words'❌', <❌s❌> text </❌s❌>
* '''The 30th of August:''' He was seen eating alongside [[Madame Waiter]] at 18:00 (LFT)
** BOLD: Use ' ' ' ' ' ' or click the '''B''' icon
** He later returned hours later at 3:30 (LFT)
** ITALIC: Use ' ' ' ' or click the ''I'' icon
=== September 2024 ===
** SUPERSCRIPT: Use < sup > </ sup > or click the X<sup>I</sup> icon in Advanced
* '''The 4th of August:''' He was spotted at 0:21 '''(LFT)'''
** SUBSCRIPT: Use < sub > </ sub > or click the X<small>I</small> icon in Advanced
** COMPUTER CODE:Use < code > </ code >
{{Sighting Disclaimer}}
** STRIKETHROUGH:Use < s > </ s>
** UNDERLINE:Use < u > </ u >
== Gallery ==
** BIG:Use < big > </ big > or click the A<sup>▲</sup> in Advanced
<span style="color:blue"> GALLERY IMAGES NEEDED</span>
** SMALL:Use < small > </ small > or click the A<small>◆</small> in Advanced (The symbol is actually an upsidedown triangle)
** UNFORMATTED TEXT (format purposes):Use < nowiki > </ nowiki > or click the <s>[[ ]]</s> icon (STRIKETHROUGH is not as shown here due to limitations) in Advanced
{{Cat Footer}}
*'''TITLES:''' Use = =, == ==, === ===, ==== ==== (biggest to smallest) at the start of the line or use the heading option in Advanced
*'''BULLET LISTS:''' Use *, **, *** or **** (closest to furthest) at the start of the line or use the symbols next to Format (the symbols are reused from visual edit) in Advanced
*'''SPECIAL CHARACTERS:''' Click Special characters
== Second Part : Links & References ==
==== Visual Edit ====
*'''Link:''' Click the 🔗 icon (In order to add non-wiki links paste the site’s link into the search option, In order to add user or special pages add User: or Special:)
*'''References:''' Click the Cite icon
==== Source Edit ====
*'''Link:''' Click the 🔗 icon (Yo could type [[ ]] or [[ | ]] to add another name but it’s specially tricky in non-wiki pages as the system changes)
*'''References:''' Click the bookmark icon or type < ref > </ ref >
