Mr. Bentley

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Revision as of 01:59, 20 June 2024 by Eddie (talk | contribs) (an image + minor appearance addon)
Mr. Bentley

Mr. Bentley is scared by dispensing food
Breed Domestic Shorthair
Coat Black
Sex Presumed male
Rarity Common
Occupation Certified car
Appearance Fully black
Eye Color Yellow
Personality Skittish
First known sighting June 9, 2024, 1:19 AM (LFT)
Parents Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Partner Unknown
Children Unknown
Other Unknown

Mr. Bentley is a visitor at Baldie Carrot, the Cats' Protector feeder (also known as the Duck Feeder). He was named on June 16 after the car from the TV show Good Omens. Mr. Bentley can usually be seen checking his surroundings often and enjoying chicken snacks.


The closest Mr. Bentley has been seen to another cat (GIF)

Mr. Bentley is very skittish. On his first recorded appearance, he was seen constantly looking around and was frightened by the feeder dispensing food. He has a strange way with other cats - when he is the one in the feeder, it is found he does nothing but sniff at them cautiously, but when other cats are eating he will growl, perhaps trying to scare them off so he can eat.

When eating, he will sometimes paw at his food to bring it closer to him. On one occasion, he removed a leaf from the feeder with his paw, only for it to end up back in the feeder where he nearly ate it.


Mr. Bentley is fully black and could be mistaken for any other black cat. However, currently, no other fully black cats have been recorded at the Duck Feeder.

The inside of his back left leg appears to be shaved. He has a clipped right ear.

Mr. Bentley from above


June 2024

  • June 9, 2024:
    • At 1:19 AM (LFT), Mr. Bentley was seen sniffing around the feeder. He was frightened by food being dispensed by the feeder.
    • At around 3:15 AM (LFT), Mr. Bentley was at the feeder.
  • June 10, 2024: Mr. Bentley was seen at around 7:26 PM (LFT) sniffing at the feeder cautiously. A tabby cat appeared on the wall close by, which he reacted to by standing still and sniffing from afar at the cat. He was frightened by food being dispensed by the feeder.
  • June 15, 2024: Mr. Bentley was seen at 3:59 AM (LFT). He left at 4:11 AM (LFT).
  • June 16, 2024: Mr. Bentley appeared around 7:00 PM (LFT) to eat chicken snacks. He constantly looked at his surroundings. Only when the chicken snacks were finished did he eat some kibble. He left at 7:18 PM (LFT).
  • June 17, 2024:
    • At 12:23 PM (LFT), Mr. Bentley approached, sniffing the feeder. He ate some chicken snacks and watched his surroundings. Like yesterday, once the chicken was finished he ate the kibble. He left at 12:39 PM.
    • At 11:50 PM (LFT), Mr. Bentley approached Mr. Blotch and Mr. Blanket at the feeder. He started growling at them without coming into camera range. Mr. Blanket left immediately, but Mr. Blotch was unfazed by his presence and continued to relax at the feeder. At 12:23 AM, Mr. Bentley moved closer on the wall where he could be seen, still growling at Mr. Blotch. At 12:33 AM, Mr. Blotch left. Mr. Bentley was quick to move in to eat. At 12:43 AM, Ms. Horseshoe snuck up on him while he was eating. Mr. Bentley did nothing besides sniff and continue to eat. At 12:55 AM, Mr. Bentley left due to Ms. Horseshoe getting too close.
  • June 18, 2024:
    • At 4:39 PM (LFT), Mr. Bentley came by to enjoy an early dinner. He kept eating and jumping up on the wall. He almost ate a leaf. At 4:53 PM, he left.
    • At 8:44 PM, Mr. Bentley approached Mr. Blotch who was loafing at the feeder. Mr. Bentley started growling and waited out of camera range until Mr. Blotch left. He enjoyed a big meal and ate almost everything that was dispensed to him. At 9:01 PM, Mr. Bentley left.
  • June 19, 2024:
    • At 5:20 AM, Mr. Bentley came by to eat. He was donated chicken snacks which he enjoyed greatly, so much so that he licked the feeder clean of flakes. He stayed a while, looking back at the feeder every so often to see if he would be given more chicken. After no more chicken was dispensed, he left at 5:37 AM.
    • At 7:52 PM, Mr. Bentley ate kibble at the feeder. He sniffed around the camera, waiting to see if he would get any chicken snacks. He left disappointed.
  • June 20, 2024: At 9:05 AM (LFT), Mr. Bentley was closely followed to the feeder by Mr. Simba. Mr. Simba seemed friendly, but Mr. Bentley hissed and swatted at him, making him run away. Mr. Bentley ate some kibble and ran off at 9:12 AM.

(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
