
Jiemao is the official app for Hello Street Cat in China. The app is developed by Guangxi Hachong Network Technology Co., Ltd. (广西哈宠网络科技有限公司). An international version of the app is available named Purrrr.
This app requires a Chinese phone number to make an account. You can download the Apple app here and the Android app here.
Jiemao Features
The app is mainly used to live stream Feeders. Live streams can be browsed using different tabs (Recommended, Popular, Nearby Feeders, or Empty Feeders) or you can search for specific ones. People can feed the cats Kibble or Freeze-dried chicken snacks by using Love Tokens. Live streams have a chat feed to communicate with other people watching. The app's goal is to monitor stray cats in a Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) program and encourage people to adopt, not shop.[1]
Another aspect of the app is the social side. Anyone can create a group chat on the app, and can be found through an explore feature by anyone if the creator allows it. This allows for specific conversations without disrupting live-stream chats. People can also post through a social media tab which others can interact with by liking or commenting. These posts are mainly Hello Street Cat related but can be about any subject.

A useful feature is the statistics section. It has a lot of information on the TNR program. The main statistics (recorded on August 11) are as follows: Cats TNRed (42,247), cats profiled (88,466), partnered animal clinics (548), volunteers/Cat Men (52,684), and communities with feeders (17, 716). The statistics section is also where you can apply to become a "Cat Man". Cat Men help to catch cats in the TNR process (after training), as well as fixing broken/jammed feeders, etc.
One special feature is recruiting cats through their cat profile (these are made by scanning the cat's back, front, and sides, but only common visitors can be recruited) into your "Cat Garden". You can get to their profile by swiping through the "Find new friends" tab inside your garden or if they knock on your screen when you open the live stream while they are visiting. Cat friends will gain affection as you dispense food to/visit their feeders or by petting (double-clicking) them in the garden.
- Screenshots from the App Store, version 1.0.1 (April 13th, 2023)
A live stream
The social media tab
The cat profiles
The tab to apply for a feeder/fund other feeders
A profile's achievements tab
- Screenshots from the App Store, version 1.17.5 (December 23rd, 2023)
A live stream
The cat profiles
The cat garden with a few cat friends
Showcasing the TNR program
The social media tab
- Screenshots from the App Store, version 1.30.8 (August 11, 2024)
A live stream
Showcasing the TNR program
The shop tab
A collage of popular cats on the app
The social media tab
The App logo on Version 1.20.5 (February 3rd, 2024)