The Swarm is a group of ants that can be seen at any feeder. They were first documented at the Mr. Cloud & Mr. Peach Feeder. The ants have claimed the title of Ultimate Kibble Eaters, surpassing The Gluttonous Beast by about twelve hours. This makes them the undefeated champions of kibble destruction, showcasing their unmatched skill in devouring this snack.
The Snail Incident
Close to where the ants were busy doing their thing, there was a snail chilling out. After a short while, the snail tried to leave, but it was attacked by lots of ants. It took about five minutes, but finally, the snail had managed to get away from them. The Snail then stared into the horizon for about 10 minutes. After its ordeal with the ants, the snail had a change of heart and decided against leaving. Instead, it retraced its steps and made its way back inside the feeder room. Following its return indoors, the snail found itself in yet another confrontation with the persistent ants. Eventually, it sought refuge under the feeder to evade further conflict. The snail ran under the feeder while being attacked and has not been seen since.
The Snail seems to be rather confused
Snail staring into the horizon.
The Ms. Jeff Incident

Following their prosperous venture at the Mr. Cloud & Mr. Peach feeder, the ants decided to exit the feeder to go to the Little Wanderer’s Paradise. With eager anticipation, they dispatched their Little Munchers to partake in the bountiful kibble munching across the feeder. However, on the ill-fated day of May 7, 2024, disaster befell them as Ms. Jeff, an unexpected disturbance, arrived at the feeder. Ms. Jeff, not realizing the ants were there, voraciously consumed the kibble, inadvertently eating the Little Munchers during her feast. After the Incident of Little Wanderer’s Paradise, only a scant few survivors remain.
Gathering in large groups, they target one piece of kibble with great precision, showing remarkable coordination. Their feeding sessions can last for more than four hours, demonstrating their endurance. They tend to show mild aggression towards smaller creatures nearby. They are very incident-prone.
The ants are very small and might be hard to recognize. They can be considered very cute for their size, but don't let them fool you, for they are beasts.

May 2024
- May 6th 2024: At 11 PM (LFT) at the Mr. Cloud & Mr. Peach feeder, they were seen aggressively attacking a piece of kibble. The Swarm has slowly increased its size over the time they have been Munching™. Around 1:57 AM a snail was recorded being bullied by the ants out of the feeder. They had been eating for 4 hours when their numbers started to decrease. Curiously, the snail vanished under the feeder and has not been spotted since.
- May 7, 2024: Ants were spotted. At around 8 AM (LFT), most of them had their fill and dispersed after devouring a substantial amount of kibble. After going on a munching spree for over 12 hours they finally dispersed.
- May 8, 2024: At 12:04 AM, some munchers of The Swarm were spotted around the kibble. Curiously, another snail was seen in the background climbing up the wall, but it did not appear to be the same snail from the day before.
- May 9, 2024: At 2:25 AM, ants were spotted stealing kibble with incredible speed.
- May 14, 2024: 4:49 PM, The Swarm continued their path to fulfillment by swiping the last of the kibble right in front of an unknown orange kitty in the Catman Canteen.
- May 23, 2024: At 10:40 AM, mischievous ants were seen in the GUCCI feeder.
June 2024
- June 1st, 2024: At 9:30 AM, The devilish Swarm was seen back at Mr. Cloud & Mr. Peach, in larger numbers than ever before.
July 2024
- July 1, 2024: At 9:20 PM, it was discovered that the Swarm was invading the Duck Feeder. They attempted to steal chicken snacks from the feeder, but due to the angle it was difficult to get it over the edge, so they kept dropping it. At 10:49 PM, Ms. Horseshoe arrived at the feeder. She was very confused, and kept sniffing and retreating, but eventually decided to take on the ants for the food. She ate many ants in the process of eating and tried to get them out of her mouth using her paws. At 11:00 PM she gave up, only for Mr. Blotch to approach shortly after. He attempted to eat, but was just as confused and also gave up on the endeavor. At 11:03 PM, the Caretaker arrived, unfortunately for the ants. They used a brush to sweep them away, removing them from the feeder. Water was also poured on top to ensure that no ants survived. The Swarm took a massive hit that day, as the caretaker eradicated them in only a few short minutes.
- July 4, 2024:
- At 9:43 PM, After the great massacre of July 1st, the few remaining ants moved to a new feeder named "9". They wiped the feeder of all food and were just chilling in the feeder bowl.
- There was a small expedition group of little munchers spotted at Catman feeder around the same time.
- July 5, 2024: At 2:38 AM, a fleet of The Swarm were spotted at The Bumblebees' Feeder.

- July 14, 2024: At 11:36 AM (LFT), The Swarm returned to the Duck Feeder. At 12:43 PM (LFT), the Caretaker placed a baby white duck into the feeder to try and get it to eat the ants, but it walked away. A minute later, 4 white adult ducks and a Rouen duck ran over and began to devastate the food and the ants inside. After the ants were almost all eaten, the Caretaker returned to fully clean the feeder, eliminating all ants in the process.
They're there I swear.
Just zoom in, you're gonna need to.
Back of The Swarm
Top View of The Swarm
The Swarm is feasting
the swarm seen in the largest numbers ever
The Swarm devours kibble as a eepy cat is in the background of the Catman Canteen
The great Sweeping watched by Mr. Simba
Ants at 9
Large swarm spotted at 9