Mechanical Trap Room

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Revision as of 06:11, 1 June 2024 by Melody (talk | contribs) (changed to reflect multiple feeders)
A brave Mr. Fresh eating in the trap.

The Mechanical Trap Room (also referred to as "prison cell" or "the cell") Is an upgrade which can be installed and uninstalled from a feeder. Its purpose is to capture and contain cats for veterinary purposes.

It is speculated that it was initially intended to capture Little Scraggly Guy (LSG), as it appeared shortly after his first sighting. As of February 17th, LSG had not yet appeared and/or had the gate closed on him.

On February 20th, the cell was once again installed by a human, presumably to catch Mr. Fresh. This was to treat his eye infection, before he was then adopted.

Later that day, after Mr. Fresh has been caught to treat his eye infection, it was once again dismantled and cleaned. Tuna was supplied and the feeder was resupplied during this process, suggesting that installation and removal are regular tasks for Hello Street Cat employees.

In the current Exploration Era, trap rooms are commonly sighted. They are most frequently used to take cats for TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) or medical care.


The jail-like bars of the room's gate closes mechanically (assumed to be by control of the owner) typically creating a loud sound, catching and startling whichever cat is currently feeding.

Trap rooms have also been seen with plastic gates. Some trap rooms also have a sack attached to the side to catch the cat with.

Front view, gate closed
