Ms. Note
Ms. Note is a mostly dark colored tortie. An easily distinguishable cat due to the musical note on her face, she has been spotted at the Auspicious Restaurant, though, not for very long.
Ms. Note is an uncommon cat, not showing up very often and not staying for very long. This is because she appears to be a cautious and weary cat and eats very carefully, taking small bites.
She has mostly black fur, though, with smaller brown spots dotted all around her. She is most notable for the small patch of brown on her face and in between her eyes that very closely resembles a musical note.

She seems to be a newer cat but nevertheless has made multiple appearances on the 5th of March 2024 roughly around 10 PM and 7 AM CST.
On March 9th, 2024, around 12:50 AM CST she ate at the feeder for roughly 2 minutes, ferociously chomping into the kibble.
On March 10th, 2024, around 11:50 PM CST she was seen eating at the feeder with an unidentified cat sitting in the back.
On March 21st, 2024, around 8:35 AM CST she made another appearance.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Ms.Note contemplating getting food.
Ms.Note's back.
Ms.Note copying Ms.Glare by glaring at the camera
Ms.Note crunchin on 19th of March 2024
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