Mrs. Gaia
Mrs. Gaia is a female cat seen in the Feeder with six newborn kittens (collectively named "The Titans"), sometimes with another tabby cat (who is either a female cat Mrs. Gaia is bonded to, or one of her relatives). Her name comes from the Greek titanide "Gaia - Mother of All Life".
The feeder caretaker has been seen a few times giving special food, cleaning the space and chatting to Mrs. Gaia.
Her feeder is called Furbao Paradise (福宝乐园).
She and her kittens won as the 5th Most Favorite Cat in the Hello Street Cat (EN) 3rd Weekly Fan Poll
She is in the Feeder all the time caring and nursing the kittens, appearing to be a patient and loving mother. Mrs. Gaia seems to be friendly to humans, she allows her caretakers to feed her by hand, wipe her clean, and pick up her kittens to examine them. However, she does easily get startled by unexpected or sudden movements.
Mrs. Gaia is a brown mackerel tabby cat with thin striping all over her body. Her fur is typically clean and silky, thanks to her caregivers taking good care of her.
- March 4th, 2024: Mrs. Gaia has been seen milking the titans at 7:21 CST.
- March 5th, 2024: At 19:58 CST, a mysterious hand was spotted in the feeder, making Mrs. Gaia feel threatened.
- March 6th, 2024: At 21:31 CST, Mrs. Gaia milked The Titans.
- March 7th, 2024: Around 19:27 CST, a person wiped Mrs. Gaia.
- March 10th, 2024: At around 13:00 CST one of Mrs. Gaia's caregivers was seen. They gave her a lickable treat and hand fed her fresh shrimp. The caregiver then temporarily moved her and her kittens out of the feeder to change their bedding. Afterwards they cleaned out the old kibble and treats, added fresh food, and poured the leftover shrimp juice into a bowl for Mrs. Gaia to drink.
- March 13th, 2024: At some point, a new kitten was introduced to the litter as a foster cat. Mrs. Gaia seemed unbothered by its presence and nursed the kitten as though it was her own. The New Titan is noticeably younger than its foster siblings.
- March 15th, 2024: At some time from 3:00 - 6:00 CST Mrs. Gaia left the cat house with every kitten except one, a tiny grey kitten that was named "Pluto" as of 7:00 CST by the English community. At 7:35 CST, Mrs. Gaia finally came back for Pluto. It is unknown if Mrs. Gaia forgot about Pluto or she just changed her mind.
- March 18th, 2024: Around 09:00 CST, Mrs. Gaia showed up, looked at the feeder and then left.
- March 21st, 2024: Around 03:00 CST, Mrs. Gaia made her appearance along with Ms./Mr./Mrs. Cough and ate the kibble in the feeder. Ms./Mr./Mrs. Cough then left her alone to continue eating until 03:06 CST.
- March 22nd, 2024: Gaia was seen with a caretaker at around 05:00 CST, where the caretaker gave her a bowl of food to distract her while she cleaned up the feeder. Gaia remained for around 3 minutes before leaving. She was then seen again at around 05:42, where she ate alone for a couple of minutes before being approached by another tabby cat. She soon left the feeder after greeting the other cat.
- March 24th, 2024:Gaia was seen taking a nap alone at around 4:40 CST.
- April 12th, 2024: Gaia and Ms./Mr./Mrs. Cough are seen together at 2:51 CST. Ms./Mr./Mrs. Cough ate while Gaia was sleeping behind them, then proceeded to leave her alone in her slumber.
(Note: Some cat sightings are not recorded either due to the cat being a common visitor or not having wiki editors online during the time of their appearance).
Mrs. Gaia and The Titans
Mrs. Gaia family together
The titans and the family sleeps
The family as seen from another angle, with Mr./Mrs./Ms. Cough on the left and Mrs. Gaia on the right.
A mysterious hand in the feeder (top right of image)
Mrs. Gaia menacingly looking at your soul.
Mrs. Gaia cutely sniffs the feeder *sniff* *sniff*
Mrs. Gaia sleeps in the feeder
Mrs. Gaia sleeps in the feeder (front)
Mrs. Gaia sideyes the camera
Mrs. Gaia judging you with one of The Titans
Mrs. Gaia eating *chomp chomp*
Gaia Eating Alone after Mr./Ms./Mrs. Cough Left her (Top view)
Gaia's feast distubed by another tabby (Back view)
Gaia's feast disturbed by another tabby (Top View)