Boron, Carbon, Gold
Boron, Carbon and Gold are Mrs. Chlorine's children, named after the periodic table.
Not much is known about them, since most of the time they are spotted sleeping with their mother. However, Carbon is known to be the most playful of the bunch, when he isn't knocked out. Gold also appears to be the most independent of the three, often times venturing out on her own and leaving her two siblings behind. In contrast to their sibling, Carbon and Boron are almost always seen together, even when their mother isn't around, and seem to be generally far less adventurous, instead preferring to spend their days lazying around at the feeder, and having an occasional snack. Gold also has a habit of standing, sitting and occasionally sleeping directly on top of her mother's back.
Boron: Boron has a completely black body. As of March 09, 2024 Boron has a light grey shirt. As of March 13, 2024, Boron has lost their shirt.
Carbon: Carbon has a black body with white markings on their face. As of March 09, 2024, Carbon has a black shirt. As of March 13, 2024, Carbon has lost their shirt, and in exchange received a collar on March 15, 2024,.
Gold: Gold is the easiest to identify, as she has a goldfish color with black stripes on her back with A bit (as far As I can tell) ginger spotting. As of March 10, 2024, Gold has lost her shirt, and remains naked.
LFT = "Local Feeder Time"
March 2024
- March 13, 2024: The family was spotted in their feeder, shirtless, naked
- March 06, 2024: The kitties were spotted fighting at the feeder, one of the black cats (no screenshots so can't identify) was trying to stop the other one from eating.
- March 07, 2024: A human was spotted, petting every cat and helping one of the black cats drink
- March 09, 2024: The human, possibly the feeder owner took Carbon and Boron and gave them shirts. However, after Boron, Carbon and Mrs. Chlorine left the feeder, the human was searching for something under the feeder, but it is unknown what it was searching for.
- March 10, 2024: A human, possibly the owner, approached the feeder and watched the family eat for a while, petting the kittens occasionally.
- March 12, 2024: A human approached the feeder and fed the kittens.
- March 14, 2024: Carbon came to the feeder on his own at 01:36 PM (LFT). He ate some kibble.
- March 25, 2024: Gold came alone after Mrs. Chlorine at 01:20 AM (LFT) and later left.
(Note: Some cat sightings are not written or recorded due to either the cat is a common visitor or no wiki editors were online during the time of their appearance).
Mrs. Chlorine getting pet by a kind human.
Boron and Gold fighting over the food in the feeder.
The cats eeping together being approached by a kind human.
Carbon, Gold, and Chlorine tesselating
Boron getting pet by a kind human
A human observes Chlorine, Carbon and Boron at the feeder.
Gold staring into the camera.
Carbon's shirt.
Gold sleeping together with her family, woefully underdressed.
Gold stands upon her mother's body and looks upwards, almost touching the Feeder's camera.
The kittens, being fed (possibly) kitten formula by a kind human.
Carbon's new collar.