Ms. Botox
Ms. Botox is a peculiar cat that can be found at 胖咪家的猫窝 Fat Kitty's Nest feeder. She was first spotted on June 13th, after a viewer noticed her unusual lip size and human like face. She was spotted again on June 16th, still flaunting her large and luxurious lips.
Ms. Botox appears to be a bit skittish, often looking around confusedly when kibble is dispensed. Despite this, she seems to tolerate others at the feeder (namely two white kittens who have been spotted as well) while she is there.

Ms. Botox's most distinguishing feature is her large lips and large eyes. She has a brown and white coat, with a white mark on her face that starts between her eyes and travels down her face. It has also been noted that she appears to have a patch of matted fur, or possibly a scab, on her back. It has also been speculated that she has an overbite, which causes her upper lip to protrude in the manner it does.

June 2024
- June 13, 2024: Around 08:29 PM (LFT) Ms. Botox was spotted for the very first time as a viewer noticed her unusual facial features and she immediately became a sensation on the StreetCatWiki Discord.
- June 16, 2024: Around 08:40 PM (LFT) She was seen again, being scared by falling kibble as a white kitten played behind her. After a few minutes of munching she went on her way.
July 2024
- July 1, 2024: Around 02:00 PM (LFT) Ms. Botox was spotted in the feeder.
- July 2, 2024: Around 04:00 PM (LFT) Ms. Botox was seen enjoying the kibble at the back, ignoring the freshly dropped ones directly on the feeder chute. She was seen with a big wound on her back.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Ms. Botox's first appearance (GIF)
✨💅Material Gorl💅✨ 👁️👄👁️
Ms. Botox's overbite from the side.
Daytime Ms. Botox
Ms. Botox giving F I E R C E ✨💅