Ms. Wednesday
Ms. Rock is a Domestic Shorthair that can be found at the 猫粮2 feeder. She received her name from her distinct sitting position resembling the iconic image of Dwayne Johnson sitting in from of a plate of pancakes giving the viewer a stern look.
Ms. Rock is very territorial, and has been seen fighting 2 other cats at this feeder. Apart from that, she seems to be very calm and collected, often dosing off at the feeder if there is no food present at the feeder. If the feeder has food, but the amount of food at the feeder is few, she will sit and wait until someone dispenses food into the feeder. There is no definitive time limit to which she deems as "too long" as she is extremely patient with the viewers. However, if she does leave, you will expect to see her again at the feeder some time later in the day.
Entirely orange and black on lower half of body, Half or right face covered in a black patch of fur, Underside of the body and parts of the face are white. Long striped tail. Orange tipped nose, mostly orange ears with the exception of the right ear which is only tipped in orange and the rest of the ear being black.

October 2024:
- October 15, 2024: At 04:39 PM (LFT), Ms. Rock was seen for the first time, we saw her fight off an unnamed gray cat. After doing so she would sit in front of the feeder as there was no food for her to eat.
- October 16, 2024: At 03:50 PM (LFT), Ms. Rock was seen once again, she once again fought off the same unnamed gray cat. However this time the cat would not leave and would sit on the sidelines, staring at Ms. Rock. This sighting would also be the sighting that would give her name as she sat, front facing towards the camera, eyes wide open, and staring at the camera with a menacing expression.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Defeated cat in the background
The "back" of Ms. Rock
Chonky car
what is this face?
The position Ms. Rock Performed