Ms. Sniff
Ms. Sniff is a calico cat that was found on the Hi Meow (HI喵) feeder. She was named for her tendency to sniff around the feeder.
Around 8 to 9 AM feeder time, Ms. Sniff often likes to wait at the feeder for her breakfast. She's very patient, like Ms. Shorty, and often doesn't leave for a while. While she waits, she refuses entry to the feeder for any other cat, warning them off with a meow or hiss. She also frequently sniffs around and sits and stares at the feeder like she's striking a pose for the camera, possibly having learned from Ms. Medusa.
Ms. Sniff has a round face and wide greenish eyes. She is a calico with a black line pattern going down the length of her orange back. Her tail is black, and her underside and legs are almost completely white down from her face and neck.

- April 11, 2024: At around 9:40 AM (CST), Ms. Sniff was seen for the first time. She sniffed the food a lot, seeming a bit suspicious, and had a drink of water. She returned later in the day, about 12 hours later, taking shelter from the rain.
- April 13, 2024: At around 9:30 AM (CST), Ms. Sniff waited to be fed for a while. When another cat approached, she got mad and vocalised at him until he left.
- April 24, 2024: At around 8:50 AM (CST), Ms. Sniff waited for her breakfast (which she was eventually fed). She was stressed out by a cat moving in the bushes, but didn't leave. She returned again about 12 hours later for more food, and told a cat who got a little too close to back off.
- April 25, 2024: At around 8:40 PM (CST), Ms. Sniff loafed in the feeder, awaiting her nighttime meal. She was fed both snacks and kibble, but immediately went for the snacks.
- April 26, 2024: At around 6:30 PM (CST), Ms. Sniff was found staring directly into the camera, giving the editor quite the scare. She then proceeded to go between closing her eyes and closing them for several seconds.
- May 5th, 2024: At 9:20 AM (Feeder Time) she rested for a very long time, not sleeping though, just loafing, until at 9:52, she left.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Ms. sniff doing what she does best... sniffing
Ms. Sniff looking grumpy
Ms. Sniff's majestic loaf
Ms. Sniff, sitting and staring
Ms. Sniff staring directly into the camera.
Ms. Sniff meditating.
A back view of Ms. Sniff.