The Hungry One
The Hungry One is a cat from the Xizi Mayday feeder. It is known to eat a lot and looking a bit anxious while doing so.
Similar to Mr. Doom, The Hungry One eats like the world is about to end. It also eats for long periods of time, just like The Gluttonous Beast. The Hungry One was inspired by the beast to eat and eat. Despite being spotted a minimum amount of times, The Hungry One has ate an unfathomable amount of kibble.
The Hungry One can be easily told apart from other cats by the 2x2 checkerboard-like pattern on it’s head and the unique fur pattern on it’s back.

- July 18, 2024: The Hungry One entered the feeder at 17:54 (LFT) and started munching like its life depended on the kibble.
- July 19, 2024: The Hungry one was spotted yet again at 19:09 (LFT) It ate for a while and then left at 19:14 (LFT) as Mr. Wonder entered the feeder.
- September 5, 2024: The Hungry One appeared for a few milliseconds in the feeder at 19:12 (LFT) before getting thanos snapped.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
The Hungry One’s head
The Hungry One - Back view 2
The Hungry One zoning out anxiously
The Hungry One munching so fast that it’s form was reduced to nothing, but a blur
THO with Mr. Wonder