Mr. Doom
Mr. Doom is a cat commonly mistaken for Mr. Plump due to their appearance's being very similar. To tell which is which, you must look at their ears, as Mr. Plump's ear is cut due to a TNR program (meaning that they are probably neutered and vaccinated) while Mr. Doom's is not.
Mr. Doom was originally going to be named "Mr. Clone" as he looked almost identical to Mr. Plump. Though his name was given accordingly as he "ate like the world was about to end"
The behaviour Mr. Doom exhibits is fear of any and all noises. He does not care about the feeder pouring kibble or snacks on him, he is paranoid of the things outside. He constantly will look left and right, making sure he is safe in the feeder.
Mr. Doom has orange fur on his back and head, with a white snout and stomach. His snout has dark lines going to the inner corner of his eyes. His eyes appear to be green, and unlike Mr. Plump, his ears are intact.
Mr. Doom was first sighted on February 13th, 2024.
On February 28, 2024, Mr. Doom approached the feeder to the sight of Ms. Chess already eating. He calmly sit next to her and began eating from the feeder. They sat next to each other and continued eating for a few minutes, sharing the delicious meal together.
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Mr. Doom was sighted on March 2nd , 2024, at 3:20 am (Chinese Time).
Mr. Doom gets snacks poured on his head (click on gif)
Ms. Chess and Mr. Doom eating together on February 28, 2024