Ms. Patches
Not to be confused with Mr. Patch
Ms. Patches is a new calico to Happy Canteen. She probably was named after the fact that her calico markings look like 'patches'. Quite generic, lets spice it up. Perhaps she was named after patches that are placed on top of a sweater after its been torn, which her coat bears a bit of resemblance to.
Ms. Patches lovesss kibbles. When she first visited the feeder, she could not make a choice between which dispenser she should eat, so she alternated between both. As a newbie, she usually leaves the scene for another cat if she senses something is coming. Otherwise, she can loaf for as long as she pleases.
Ms. Patches' back is a mix between mackerel and orange tabby patches. In a certain perspective, her orange patches form an Among Us crewmate. Her head has checkered pattern, more distinctively than that of Ms. Chess. Her face has white upside down Y-shaped lines, akin to Mr. Wishbone. She has quite immersive eyes, too.
Ms. Patches' back, head included.
Ms. Patches' back, but there is 1 impostor among us.
January 2025
- January 2, 2025: At 2:00 AM (LFT), Ms. Patches was first discovered at Happy Canteen. Unfamiliar with the feeder, she stared into the bowl for a while before munching on the kibbles. Eating while wary for around five minutes, Ms. Patches turned around to the back dispenser, which also had some kibbles, and ate them as well. Interestingly, Ms. Patch alternated between both dispensers, wondering which one tasted better. Finally, she was tired between making choices, so she loafed neatly, looking out the night. An omen is looming her at 2:22 AM, so she quickly left, and the shadow revealed to be Mr. One. She appeared again in the day at 8:59 PM, still non-committal about the two dispensers.
- January 3, 2025: At 12:07 AM (LFT), Ms. Patches showed up for the third time, now used to the feeder.
- January 5, 2025: At 11:37 PM (LFT), Ms. Patches was seen resting at the feeder. Even with the abundance of kibbles around her, she did not seem interested at all.
- January 7, 2025: At 6:09 PM (LFT), Ms. Patches visited Happy Canteen as an avid member. While eating the front dispenser, she heard something and turned her head around, though she did not mind much and continued eating.
- January 8, 2025: At 6:46 PM (LFT), Ms. Patches was seen enjoying the back feeder. Girl is ambivalent for at least six minutes.
- January 13, 2025: At 8:02 AM (LFT), Ms. Patches was spotted having a neat breakfast for seven minutes. She later returned for lunch at 12:42 PM and ate for six minutes before giving space for Ms. Loop.
- January 17, 2025: At 11:11 PM (LFT), Ms. Patches came to the feeder for her nightly kibbles. She was suddenly visited by Lil One (suspected Mrs. Kirby's child), so she delivered two smacks toward him and resorted to a corner. The child stunned for a while, but Ms. Patches regained her composure and continued eating. She was donated a lot of snacks, while Lil One stared in gluttony. After Lil One left at 11:13 PM, Ms. Patches finally enjoyed her meal in serenity and left at 11:20 PM.
- January 21, 2025: At 0:13 AM (LFT), Ms. Patches entered the feeder for midnight kibbles. After four minutes of constant devour, she loaves and stares into the camera until snacks were dropped. Immediately, she went all in and got some crumbs on her head. Ms. Patches left at 0:22 AM.
- January 30, 2025: At 10:08 AM (LFT), Ms. Patches entered the feeder after spending a few time under the wooden table outside. She ate for three minutes until Mrs. Kirby came and threw her aback. Not giving up, Ms. Patches continued peeking her head into the bowl, which prompted Mrs. Kirby to deal another smack. Ms. Patches stuttered, then continued to eat, albeit a bit slowly. At 10:12 AM, she finally evacuated from the evil queen.
- January 30, 2025: At 11:40 PM (LFT), Ms. Patches entered the feeder and ate until about 11:45 PM.
March 2025
- March 17, 2025: At 11:21 PM (LFT), after 1.5 month of absence, Ms. Patches is back to Happy Canteen. She still cannot decide whether the front or back dispenser was more delicious. She left at 11:25 PM.
- March 18, 2025: At 10:18 AM (LFT), Ms. Patches visited the feeder. Right as she had just departed, she cam back again. Ms. Patches could not escape from the Happy Canteen temptation. She left at 10:22 AM.
- March 19, 2025: At 12:25 AM (LFT) Ms. Patches ate from the main bowl at Happy Canteen, glancing around anxiously and staring right into the camera.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
One hop this time!
One hop this time!
Slide to the right!
Slide to the left!
Criss cross!
Criss cross!
Cha-cha real smooth!
Ms. Patches heard the voice, but she was not Mrs. Kirby, so she continued eating.
Ms. Patches licking her lips.
Ms. Patches smirking after a tasty lunch.
She knows what you are
Big nose
Photogenic girl
Ms. Patches loaves
Ms. Patches locks in
she doesn't like snack