Old Timer
Old Timer is a cat seen at Hajime Meow Restaurant. Old timer was named because of some white markings that look like a milk mustache similar to Mr. Grandpa's which makes him look old, He was first spotted on October 4th, 2024.
Old Timer is a relaxed cat. He is almost always seen relaxing and laying down at the feeder with his eyes closed. He appears to be afraid of Mr. Microphone as he ran away when he heard him nearby.
Old Timer is a brown tabby with a large face and white on his chest and the bottom of his face. He has some white markings on his face that look like a mustache. He also has white on his paws.

October 2024
- October 4, 2024: 12:19 PM (LFT) Old Timer was seen laying down at the feeder for while before getting up and leaving.
November 2024
- November 13, 2024: 05:51 AM (LFT) Old Timer was seen waiting at the feeder for food. Kibble dispensed but he didn't eat any of it suggesting that he likes snacks more. Before snacks could dispense Old Timer got scared off by Mr. Microphone fighting another cat offscreen.
- November 19, 2024: 09:10 AM (LFT) Old Timer was first seen sitting up but then he laid down and was seen relaxing for a while before leaving.
- November 21, 2024: 10:49 AM (LFT) Old Timer was seen looking around while at the feeder.
December 2024
- December 8, 2024: 05:05 AM (LFT) Old Timer was seen laying at the feeder.
- December 10. 2024: 07:41 AM (LFT) Old Timer was seen looking around and laying down at the feeder. He was seen a second time at 09:02 AM and was looking around again.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Old Timer relaxing at the feeder.
Old Timer stares at the food bowl waiting for food.
Old Timer gives the viewers a side eye while looking disgusted.
Old Timer shows off his big face.