Party Rocker
Party Rocker is the newest cat and resident wildcard of The Iron Rice Bowl of the Dumplings. He appears and departs suddenly, but stays for hours. He hates some cats and is perfectly tolerant of others. He is named after a common mishearing of a lyric from the 2011 hit Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO. The lyric, "Party Rock is in the house tonight," is often misheard as "Party rockers in the house tonight," and as Party brings a new energy to the feeder, the name fit. He also has a mustache like both members of LMFAO.
Party Rocker is usually a quiet, chill cat who likes to spend long hours loafing sideways across the feeder facing right. He will appear out of nowhere and leave in the same fashion. He is friendly to certain cats, like Baby Bald, but hisses at others. He is an opinionated little creature.
Party Rocker is recognizable by his "mustache," the two blobs of brown on his lips. He is a spotted brown tabby with a white stomach, chest, shoulders, and paws. He has a small triangle of white on his back about the size and shape of a guitar pick. His face is round and his body egglike in shape when he loafs.

December 2024
- December 3, 2024: Party Rocker was first seen at 1:42 PM (LFT). He loafed in front of the feeder.
- December 23, 2024: Party appeared at 2:22 AM (LFT) and loafed, shifted uncomfortably, and stayed for an hour at least. At 3:25 AM he stared at Baby Bald then ceded the feeder to him, loafing politely just next to him. At 3:42 AM he hissed at something offscreen. Then he almost fell asleep for a while before eating slowly. It was a big day for little Party Rocker.
- December 24, 2024: At 6:08 AM (LFT) he sat scrunched next to the feeder. It was noted that Party tends to stay for VERY long periods of time, around an hour or more.
- December 27, 2024: At 6:40 AM (LFT) he antagonized Ms. Tawny, kicked her out, then sat all scrunched in egg mode next to the food.
February 2025
- February 12, 2025: Party Rocker entered the feeder while squinting disapprovingly at around 12:15 AM (LFT). He ate kibble with his head and shoulders in the feeder.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Party Rocker sticking his tongue out at the camera (which he did for a long time)
Party Rocker from the top
Party Rocker and Baby Bald
Party Rocker being watched by Baby Bald in his classic right-facing egg position.
Party entering the feeder with a disapproving expression
Party Rocker meditating