Mr. One
Mr. One is a rare encounter, first seen on his own on February 4, 2024 at 11:29 PM CST. Mr. One was previously thought to be a female (Ms. One).
Mr. One usually appears to be calm while eating, although he does not eat much -- usually about 2-3 minutes before leaving on his journey.
Mr. One is a black, silver and white Turkish Van. Most of his body is white, the tabby pattern being found more in the head area. The back legs and tail are also silver and black tabby. He is identifiable by the number one-shaped patch on his back.
- February 7th, 2024: Around 11:48 AM CST, Mr. One gave the feeder a visit.
- February 8th, 2024: Mr. One and The Gluttonous Beast got into a fight. Mr. One successfully chased off the Beast.
- February 16th, 2024: At 10:38 AM CST, Mr. One visited the feeder and he made the world know he was a male by flashing the camera.
- February 22nd, 2024: Around 1:15 AM CST a muddy and wet Mr. One visited the feeder to eat for a while. Later on the same day, a dry Mr. One visited the feeder and ate for around 3 minutes before leaving.
- February 24th, 2024: At 3:32 PM CST, Mr. One visited the feeder, flashing the camera nearly the entire time.
- February 25th, 2024: Around 12:30 AM CST, he visited again, making the stream lag a lot for some reason.
- February 26th, 2024: At around 3:51 AM CST, Mr. One showed up, loafing while eating, just magical.
- February 28th, 2024: Around 8:20 PM CST, Mr. One visited the feeder, eating for about 5 minutes before leaving.
- March 2nd, 2024: Around 17:50 PM CST, Mr. One showed up, encountering Ms. Honk that was eating at the time. He then waited for her to get out and proceeded to eat for about 4 minutes before leaving.
- March 6th, 2024: Around 1:40 PM CST, Mr. One appeared after a long time without an appearance and stayed there eating for about three minutes before leaving.
- March 9th, 2024: Around 6:28 PM CST, Mr. One showed up to chip away at a slowly forming Mount Snibble for a few minutes.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Mr. One looking for food
He is eating very comfortably