Demeter is a demure cat with long fur. She was a visitor prior to documentation of the Sanjing Brand Cat Club as seen in old screenshots of her and Brother Demetrius. Since her return Brother Demetrius has noticeably been more patient with other cats.
Demeter is a pacifist cat, she is very patient with all that enter the feeder. She spends most of her time with the ginger cats of the feeder. Notably, she will spend time with Inquisitive One and Brother Demetrius.
Demeter is a long haired calico cat. She has an approximately symmetric pattern atop her head. On one of the left is predominantly dark grey. On the right is a lit orange. One ear black and the other white.
She has a singular orange dot upon her shoulder.

October 2024
- October 01, 2024: 08:13 PM (LFT) Demeter looked out over the grass. She was startled by a donation of chicken which she contentedly ate.
- October 03, 2024: 04:02 PM (LFT) Demeter crept into the feeder and began to eat. She lunged at pieces of chicken as she was joined by Brother Demetrius. Demetrius sat behind her and waited his turn. He crept in and out as she also surveyed outside the feeder.
- 08:25 PM (LFT) Demeter sat stoically at the feeder. She surveyed her surroundings. By her side, reclining on the grass, Inquisitive One waited his turn.
- October 04, 2024: 07:49 AM (LFT) Inquisitive One and Demeter fell asleep at the feeder. The two loafed side by side. They were awoken by donations of kibble and chicken. Demeter continued to relax while Inquisitive One ate. 20 minutes later Demeter finally had her turn and was startled mid bite.
- 06:48 PM (LFT) Demeter made a return to the feeder. She was startled by chicken, she happily ate. The Suit strutted by in the background and startled her. However, she kept eating and chicken fell upon her head. Upon wrapping up her meal, she stopped and watched a person walk by. She was joined by Mulletpaw at 07:29 PM (LFT).
- October 06, 2024: 07:38 PM (LFT) Demeter and Brother Demetrius sat side by side and watched the night sky. They startled at a strange noise. Brother Demetrius proceeded to stand guard while Demeter ate chicken.
- October 07, 2024: 09:38 PM (LFT) Demeter visited for dinner. She lapped up kibble and chicken. She peered out the feeder as cats made noise outside.
- October 15, 2024: 08:11 AM (LFT) Inquisitive One roosted at the feeder while Demeter bathed in the sunlight. Upon finishing, Inquisitive One made way for his companion.
- 08:29 PM (LFT) Demeter crept up to the feeder, she stared at the camera with big sad eyes. She was given chicken and kibble for her journey.
- October 16, 2024: 07:03 AM (LFT) Demeter stood guard while Mulletpaw ate her breakfast. Her patience was rewarded as she was given chicken.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")