Brother Valentine
Mr. Valentine first appeared at the Happy Canteen feeder. He is a brown tabby cat and is a very expressive lad. His first appearance was on March 11th, 2024, 10:57 AM UTC+8
There is not much known about Mr. Valentine, he is quite bold however. He seems to be mostly like a typical cat at the feeder- hungry.
Mr. Valentine is of a brown mackerel tabby cat. He doesn't seem to have much white spotting, and has big round eyes.
- March 11th, 2024 - Mr. Valentine has been seen twice, both times on the same night. First appearing when Ms. Takeout was enjoying some kibble and startled her by just walking into the feeder, Ms. Takeout took out and he proceeded to go in and eat, generally pretty calm but felt the need to flash the camera for a bit.
Mr. Valentine completely geeked up at the sight of kibble.
Mr. Valentine backing up after Mr. Airplane arrived for dinner.
Mr. Valentine loafing
Mr. Valentine (Right) and Mr. Piss (Left) feeding together.