Ms. Airplane

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(Redirected from Mr. Airplane)
Ms. Airplane

Ms. Airplane staring into the camera
Other name(s) Ms. Flight, Ms. Ready To Launch A World Destructive Nuclear Bomb.
Breed Domestic Shorthair
Coat Red (orange) Tabby with Low White Spotting
Sex Female
Rarity Rare
Occupation Aircraft Pilot, Aspiring Professional Eeper.
Appearance Orange tabby with a white patch on her face
Eye Color Green
Personality Calm
First known sighting February 18, 2024
Parents Unknown
Siblings Likely Mr. Chonk
Partner Unknown
Children Unknown
Other Unknown

Ms. Airplane is a cat that used to go to Happy Canteen. She now frequents Auspicious Restaurant (which is in the same park). She was first seen on February 18, 2024. She has a large white marking on her face, which resembles an airplane.

She's often confused with Mr. Anxiety and Mr. Wishbone, but the marking on her face is the distinguishing factor.


Ms. Airplane seems to be especially fond of tuna. She eats relatively calmly, yet she eats a lot of food at once. She waits for her turn when other cats are eating. There are no known disputes that she's been a part of. However, she has been known to grow a bit impatient with other cats.

For many times, when the feeder is empty, Ms. Airplane will raise her left paw. This is referred to by fans as "paw service". She is very patient if the feeder is empty and may stare into the viewers soul if it continues to be this way.


Ms. Airplane is a ginger tabby, with the main defining trait being the distinct, large white marking on her face. The rest of her body seems to be fully orange. Another defining trait is having a orange "glove" on their left paw instead of a "sleeve".

Ms. Airplane from above
Ms. Airplane before the generous giftA few moments later. (she is hungry)


Click on [Expand] to see sightings from previous months!

February 2024

March 2024

April 2024

May 2024

June 2024

July 2024

October 2024

November 2024

January 2025

February 2025

  • February 3rd, 2025: At 9:15 PM (LFT), Ms. Airplane was seen eating in the Auspicious Restaurant feeder. By 9:20, Ms. Airplane had left the feeder.
  • February 20, 2025: At 9:50 PM (LFT), Ms Airplane inherited a completely empty restaurant from a greedy Ms. Warn. She would loaf until Mrs. Eeper and Cow Lily showed up to steal her god given (nonexistent) kibbles in the bowl. Warding them off proved easy because Mrs. Eeper dozed off after 2 minutes and Cow Lily would not do more than check to see if airplane was still there. After they gave up Ms. airplane waited another 35 minutes until she left too

March 2025

  • March 3, 2025: At 10:57 PM (LFT) Ms. Airplane arrived at Auspicious restaurant to find it completely empty again. The back feeder was full but she did not notice. She slept and loafed for 2 hours doing lots of paw service and a bit of self grooming throughout. The paw service was in futility and she then continued to sleep. She also tried staring at the feeder cutely and then judgmentally.
  • March 4, 2025: At 12:57 AM (LFT) Ms. Airplane was still sleeping and waiting for food when she realized the back feeder was full. She ate from it for a bit before going back to sleep. She made some funny faces in her sleep and finally left with a big stretch at 1:40 AM. She Left to then come back at 2:20 AM to eat and sleep some more before finally leaving for real at 2:35 AM. Some tarp blurred cats were seen pacing around the tarp but otherwise she slept uninterrupted.
  • March 21, 2025: at about 10:00 AM (LFT) Ms. Airplane was loafing at the feeder.  She eeped peacefully showing only a few blinks to some kibble that fans dropped. She was looking a bit chubby. She was still there a hour later before finally leaving at 11:20 to give way to the Eepers.
  • March 25, 2025: At 9:24 PM (LFT) Ms. Airplane was eating at the feeder. She was eating out of the front feeder despite the fact that Mrs. Eeper had previously excavated the back feeder causing it to overflow with snacks and kibble. She left at 9:29. It's not like they need kibble with that chub.

(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")


 List of feeders and cats from Happy Canteen

Brother ValentineDr. SmudgeGoobertLil Ms. ScallywagLil PukeLittle Bean SproutLittle Scraggly Guy
Mr. AdidasMs. AirplaneMs. AngelMr. AnxietyMr. BaldMr. BeanMr. BeefMs. Beetle
Ms. BurntMr. ButterMs. CamoMs. CarpetMs. CharlieMs. ChessMr. Chicken
Mrs. ChunkyMr. Cool CucumberMr. CreamMs. CroissantMr. CrumbMr. Crunch
Mr. DoomMr. DotMr. EggMr. FatMs. FluffMr. FreshMr. GentlemanMr. Halo
Mr. HonkMs. InceptionMr. InsatiableMrs. IslandMx. JanitorMs. KibbleMrs. Kirby
Ms. LagMs. LoopMr. LungMs. MidnightMr. MinerMr. MonochromeMr. Nervous
Mr. NormalMr. OneMs. PaintMr. PatchMr. PissMr. PlumpMs. Pretty
Mrs. PrincessMr. PukeMr. RevMr. RibbonMs. RustMs. SadMs. Sleepy
Mr. SnifflesMr. SnoobMr. SusMs. TakeoutMs. Texas
Mr. VoidMs. WarnMr. WishboneMr. WrathThe Gluttonous Beast


5A Scenic Cat AreaA Litter of Cats Who Love Each OtherAbandoned AngelAll You Can Eat Buffet
Auspicious RestaurantBaldie Carrot, the Cats' ProtectorBlessings Be With YouBig Man's Cat Houses
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Cat House of Compassion in HeQing TownCat Paradise 1Cats Who Love to Eat
Eat and Drink Without Worries ~ Happy Meow Island ⌯'ㅅ'⌯Eat Enough Every DayGagaxuan Canteen
GOODCATGuangzhou Lucky HouseGUCCIGuitar Cat & Robot CatHappy Canteen
Happy Canteen No.2Happy Cat House No.2Hi MeowHouse of Compassion by the Strait
Huanzi Animal Rescue Base 1John's CanteenJOJO Miaomiaowu
Kitty CornerLi XiaoMen's Feeder for Orange CatsLittle Sun Party
Little Wanderer’s ParadiseLucky 7-Eleven ⅡLucky Meow Bobo Room Feeder
MaoMao's Streetcat House of LoveMeow Meow Rub RubMeow Meow's Whine HouseMeow Wind Chime House
No Hungry Cats Left BehindOrange Cat KindergartenSanjing Brand Cat ClubSnowball Cat StationSoaring Cat
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Ten Thousand Kitties HouseThe SanWei Bookstore's Kitty Canteen
There's Too Much... Too Much To Finish CompletelyWarm Home Pet Sales Department
Woohoo Big Face Baga MeowXizi MaydayYishan Stray Cat BaseYouZi's Animal CanteenZz Kitten House

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