Mr. Wishbone

Mr. Wishbone is a cat with distinctive facial markings in the shape of a wishbone. He first appeared on February 4th, 2024, and has since been sighted at approximately 5:30 on the 5th. The first cat that went to the feeder after the Mr. Piss incident sniffed around and avoided eating the tainted kibble, but Mr. Wishbone came right after and ate the kibble with no problem. He didn't even seem to notice it had been pissed on.
Mr. Wishbone is typically seen patiently sitting on the ground on the left while another cat eats, what a sweet boy. Mr. Wishbone is one of the few cats to be able to get along with Mr. Beef, with both eating simultaneously at the feeder, though eventually was swiped once by Mr. Beef before returning to the munching.
Mr. Wishbone is a mostly orange cat with a white underbelly and chin. His entire back is orange. Mr. Wishbone is best defined by his iconic facial marking that looks like a wishbone, however it can be hard to see if Mt. Kibble or Mt. Snibble is blocking the way.

- February 4th, 2024: Mr. Wishbone has so far appeared 13 times. His initial sighting was at 4:30 PM EST in which he gained notoriety for being the first cat to use the feeder after Mr. Piss urinated in the kibble.
- February 5th, 2024: He appeared a second time around 7:30 EST. He was spotted waiting patiently for The Gluttonous Beast to finish eating before eventually leaving due to the extended period in which TGB ate. He returned shortly after.
- February 7th, 2024: Mr. Wishbone showed up around 3:07 EST. He was spotted eating tuna after Mr. Void's turn.
- February 10th, 2024: Mr. Wishbone showed up for the 4th time at 9:10 EST. He was spotted eating shortly after Mt. Kibble had been cleared.
- February 14th, 2024: Mr. Wishbone appeared again at around 14:25 CET, waiting patiently for Mr. Beef to finish eating but eventually finding some space to fit his head into the feeder's bowl.
- February 22nd, 2024: Mr. Wishbone showed up at around 4:32 AM UTC+8. He was surprisingly dry, despite the fact it was pouring rain outside. In the same day, Mr. Wishbone appeared yet again at 7:40 AM. Eating with Mr. Normal or Mr. Piss. Also the same day, he was seen again around 10:38 PM the same day eating by himself. He returned again at 11:39 PM.
- February 23rd, 2024: Sighting that day at exactly12:00 AM. He appeared again at 1:30 AM, local camera time, staring at Ms. Chunky and Ms. Texas. At 1:40 AM, local camera time, after waiting patiently, he finally began to eat.
- February 24th, 2024: At around 9:03 AM CST, Mr. Wishbone was spotted waiting patiently after Ms. Burnt.
- March 5th, 2024: He was sighted eating alone.
- March 6th, 2024: He ate alone at around 5:00 CST.
- March 7th, 2024: Spotted meowing at Mr. Fat and then eating kibble at around 13:17 CST.
- March 8th, 2024: Was seen at around 9:38AM (feeder time), just to get chased off by a person. At 8:41PM he returned and ate some more kibble, 4 minutes later he was staring at another cat before meowing at them and leaving
- March 9th, 2024: Was seen at around 5:40 (feeder time) working his hardest to destroy a Mount Kibble that had formed
- March 11th, 2024: Mr. Wishbone arrived at the feeder around 11:58 AM (local feeder time). Around 12:02 PM, he decided to do an impression of Mr. Puke and puked in the feeder. He then proceeded to eat, possibly ingesting some of the kibble he threw up. He left around 12:06 PM, spraying urine on the wall along the way.
- March 12th, 2024: Mr. Wishbone arrives at the feeder at 16:04 Feeder time, taking a single bite. He leaves at 16:05.
- March 13th, 2024: At 3:10 AM (Local Feeder Time) Mr. Wishbone was seen eating from the feeder
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Mr. Beef cant control his angry issue to Mr. Wishbone
Mr. Wishbone and Mr. Normal sharing some food.
Mr. Wishbone patiently waits for a grey cat to finish eating before feasting.
Mr. Wishbone with his paws on the edge of the feeder.
Mr. Wishbone imitates Mr. Fresh on March 4th, 2024. Little success.
A distinctive marking on Mr. Wishbone’s back