Mx. Distinguished Gentleman
Mx. Distinguished Gentleman is a cat that visits the Li XiaoMen's Feeder for Orange Cats, despite the name. They got their name from how they look like they are wearing a suit. They only visit the feeder for a short time, due to not wanting to be seen much by the cameras.
Mx. Distinguished Gentleman will only visit the feeder to eat and will leave fairly quickly. They keep their head down and away from the camera's eye, as though they do not want to be seen.
Mx. Distinguished Gentleman is a black and white tuxedo cat. Black covers the top part of their head and around the top half of their body, as though they are wearing a suit. Their legs are mainly white and they have a fully black tail.

- July 6, 2024: Mx. Distinguished Gentleman was seen at dark. They ate food, keeping their head down. Even when they looked around, it was hard to get a view of their face.
- July 11, 2024:
- At 4:16 AM (LFT), Mx. Distinguished Gentleman was seen eating at the feeder.
- At 11:43 AM (LFT), Mx. Distinguished Gentleman was seen eating at the feeder.
- July 16, 2024: At 7:38 PM (LFT), Mx. Distinguished Gentleman was seen briefly eating from the feeder. They left as soon as the camera was turned on, as though they knew they were being watched.
- July 19, 2024: At 11:22 PM (LFT), Mx. Distinguished Gentleman came to the feeder. They ate some strangely green snacks from the bowl. Once the green snacks were finished, they left.
Mx. Distinguished Gentleman from top view
Mx. Distinguished Gentleman is not happy they have been caught on camera
Mx. Distinguished Gentleman rushes to leave while glancing at the camera