Mr. Caramel
Mr. Caramel is a usual visitor to the 吃喝不愁~快乐喵岛⌯'ㅅ'⌯ (Eat and Drink Without Worries ~ Happy Meow Island ⌯'ㅅ'⌯) feeder. He is considered to be a "skrunkly" cat with a lot of goof and charm to him. He loves eating from all three of the food bowls provided in the feeder.
Mr. Caramel is a carefree and playful cat. He's been seen to really enjoy playing with a fishy cat toy inside the tented area for a brief amount of time. It could be considered his favorite activity to do whenever he is visiting.
Mr. Caramel is a short-haired orange tabby with faint tabby markings. He has a bigger build than the other cats that frequent the feeder, and has alot of scruff around his left eye, presumably from a past injury.

- April 21st, 2024: At 6:00AM, 10:13AM and 12:38PM CST, Mr. Caramel shows up, plays with his new favourite fish toy, sniffs out the feeder, then carries on with his day.
- April 22nd, 2024: At 2:53AM, 5:03AM, and 12:55PM CST, Mr. Caramel is seen eating from the food bowls. Occasionally he would sniff around the feeder or bring out the fish toy from one of the cat houses, but otherwise nothing else happened.
- April 23rd, 2024: At 3:22AM CST, Mr. Caramel was seen having a meal from the food bowls. He later shows up at 9:42AM for breakfast. He plays with the fish toy for a bit after eating, then heads out for the day.
- April 24th, 2024: At 1:51AM CST, Mr. Caramel shows up for some late night snacks, snout deep into the food bowls.
- April 25th, 2024: At 4:26AM CST, Mr. Caramel sniffs around the area, swats at the fish toy in the cat house for about a minute, then heads out for the day.
- April 26th, 2024: At 4:10AM CST, Mr. Caramel briefly shows up to swat at the fish toy, and unexpectedly vanishes when cameras went out.
- April 27th, 2024: At 4:24AM CST, Mr. Caramel shows up for a little bit. He swats at the fish toy in the cat house yet again, then scratches the rugs. Nobody knows what his goal was with the rugs, perhaps there is hidden wisdom we do not know yet as viewers.
- April 28th, 2024: Mr. Caramel shows up three times today, at 1:15AM, 3:24AM, and 12:34PM CST. For each of these visits he would eat for a while from the food bowls, and attempt to bring out the fish toy from the cat house. However at his afternoon visit, he decides to have a bit of a play with the fishy toy for a minute.
- April 30th, 2024: At 3:03AM and 10:00AM CST, Mr. Caramel shows up for some food. Nothing too notable happened today, as he was uninterested in the fish toy this day.
- May 1st, 2024: At 1:55AM CST, Mr. Caramel shows up for a bit of food. After a few minutes he realizes that Ms. Smore is also visiting the feeder for some food. He was quite unbothered, and continues to eat with her by his side. Once he is full, he walks away, watches her for a little bit, then heads off for the night. He later shows up at 5:23AM and 10:57AM for some breakfast.
- May 2nd, 2024: Mr. Caramel shows up multiple times this day at 2:59AM, 4:15AM, and 5:31AM CST. Throughout these times he is seen eating from the food bowls.
- May 4th, 2024: At 1:34AM CST, Mr. Caramel shows up for a bit of snacks from the food bowls.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Mr. Caramel playing with the fish toy. (GIF)
Pleugh... ghuh...
Mr. Caramel being whimsical and silly with the fish toy. (GIF)
Mr. Caramel and Ms. Smore eating together.