Ms. Lookout
Ms. Lookout is a senior cat who was initially discovered at the 遗弃的天使 (Abandoned Angel) feeder, which she now commonly visits. Her name derives from her usual, guard-like behavior of sitting inside feeder without eating or sleeping for 20+ minutes at a time while occasionally scanning her surroundings. She was also recently discovered to visit the It's Mimi! (是咪咪呀!) feeder as well.
At her first documented appearance, she ate a few bites of kibble, and then proceeded to sit there for around 30 minutes before going away. She then proceeded to do the same on multiple other occasions. It is suspected she does so because of her dental issues which may cause her pain when eating.
She is mostly orange with a bit of white at her face, chest and front legs. She looks rather scrungly compared to the other visitors, and lacks muscle due to her older age.

March 2024
- March 21 2024: At 05:44 AM (LFT) she was first spotted and properly documented. She ate a few kibbles and snacks and then proceeded to sit there for 25ish minutes before running off.
- March 22 2024: At 07:26 PM (LFT) she was spotted standing at the feeder for around 30 minutes before Mr. Dark came along. She managed to fight him off and then proceeded to leave after a few minutes.
May 2024
- May 05 2024: At about 08:20 AM (LFT) she was spotted sitting on the carpet sadly for a while before eating kibble.
- May 20 2024: At 10:21 AM (LFT) she sat down next to the feeder for about twenty-three minutes. She stood up and back down a couple times throughout, without eating any food. This time she watched facing horizontally, rather then towards the feeder, which is rare for her. She came back about a minute later and went into the kibble part of the feeder, stayed for about 10 minutes, and ate a couple bites, then going back to her horizontal lookout position for a bit.
- May 28 2024: At about 2:00 AM (LFT) she was found standing in one spot for a long time. She ate a small bit of food before sitting down again.
December 2024
December 22, 2024: Ms. Lookout was spotted peacefully loafing in front of the feeder.
February 2025
February 14, 2025: Ms. Lookout was seen slowly savoring the snacks and kibble of the feeder at 1:03 AM (LFT). This kept going for about two minutes before she looked away and vanished in an instant.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Image of Ms. Lookout from the back.
Ms. Lookout yawning and stretching, revealing her teeth.
Mr. Dark and Ms. Lookout in a stare contest.
Mr. Dark and Ms. Lookout exchanging paws.
Ms. Lookout being eepy
Ms. Lookout mewing
Ms. Lookout facing away from the camera. Notice her distinct white muzzle.
Ms. Lookout from the side
Ms. Lookout looking down.