Mr. Icing
Mr. Icing is one of many white cats that uses the Abandoned Angel feeder, but is also one of the few that are distinguishable. He got his name for his appearance, especially his fluffy tail which looks like it has a layer of icing on top due to its coloring. He was recently discovered to have visited the It's Mimi! (是咪咪呀!) feeder as well.
Mr. Icing is a wise cat. He predicts the other cats' behavior and deduces the best course of action for himself. He has the respect of the other cats. Sometimes when he's feeling a little silly, he'll yap while munching. Despite sometimes being strict with Ms. Shadowheart, they both seem incredibly fond of each other and they can be heard affectionately meowing at each other on occasion.
Mr. Icing is one of the largest cats at the feeder. He's a strong, buff man who can easily hold his own. He's almost fully white. His head has some grey marking, including a distinct dot, and his tail has a section of grey/brown on it. His left ear has a TNR mark.

May 2024
- May 04, 2024: At 07:05 AM (LFT) Mr. Icing was seen eating at the feeder for approximately 5 minutes.
- May 07, 2024:At 01:05 PM (LFT) Mr. Icing ate by himself for approximately 13 minutes before leaving,
- May 09, 2024: At 05:05 AM (LFT) Mr. Icing was seen stuffing himself with kibble and chicken.
- May 11, 2024; At 06:08 am (LFT) Mr. Icing was seen looming over another white cat at the feeder while they ate. After a few minutes, Mr. Icing wisely deduced that this cat was gonna take goddamn forever and decided to leave instead of wasting his time waiting.
- May 12, 2024; At 06:05 AM (LFT) Mr. Icing came to the feeder with Ms. Shadowheart following him, seemingly not with his blessing. After a few munches Mr. Icing decided the troublemaker needed to get outta here and gave her a quick smack to the face. He didn't even check to see if she was leaving after it, since he's so wise and just knew she would.
- May 14, 2024: At 06:05 AM (LFT) Mr. Icing was seen pleasantly eating at the feeder. During this eating session, Ms. Goofy showed up outside the feeder and preceded to act goofy. Mr. Icing was tolerant of this until she started to think about entering the feeder, when is which he gave her a stern look, causing Ms. Goofy to cease entry.
July 2024
- July 3, 2024: Around 3:45 PM (LFT), Mr. Icing was spotted at the feeder. He ate for a few minutes before scurrying off at 3:51 PM (LFT)
August 2024
- August 16, 2024: Mr. Icing came by to the feeder at around 4:10 PM (LFT), giving a greeting to the leaving Mr. A Angel, before starting his 5 minutes long devouring session.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Mr. Icing's head markings.
Mr. Icing disciplines Ms. Shadowheart.
A showcase of his fluffy tail.
Mr. Icing is stern with Ms. Goofy.
Mr. Icing being rudely interrupted during his meal by Mr. Ranzatsu.