Mr. Taste
Mr. Taste (淘淘, "Peach Peach") is a semi-frequent visitor to the 吃喝不愁~快乐喵岛⌯'ㅅ'⌯ (Eat and Drink Without Worries ~ Happy Meow Island ⌯'ㅅ'⌯) feeder. He has no food preference, and eats from either the feeder, or the many food bowls provided.
Mr. Taste has one goal when entering the feeder area, and that is to eat. He's usually seen eating from either the food bowls, or the feeder itself, as he's not a picky cat. He can be curious at times, but more often than not he sticks to his meal plan.
Mr. Taste is a short-haired tabby cat. The tabby lines on his back aren't super distinct, but is noticeable. His tail has dark brown stripes circling around, and has white paws.
March 2024
- March 30, 2024: At 02:21 AM (LFT), Mr. Taste was spotted rushing into the feeder, aiming for the feeder first, then the food bowls. After some time eating, he happily left for the day.
April 2024
- April 01, 2024: At 01:02 AM (LFT), Mr. Taste was seen at the feeder. This time he was primarily at the food bowls. He spent a few minutes eating before heading out for the night.
- April 02, 2024: Mr. Taste was spotted twice on this day. At 12:25 AM (LFT), he was darting for the food bowls in the back, and after a brief minute decided to eat some kibbles at the feeder. He then left for some short time, only to return at 01:15 AM (LFT). He was assessing the area, as the feeder caretaker was cleaning up the area and was taking a quick break. Mr. Taste decided to assess the situation, sniffed the garbage bag, then left for the night.
- April 03, 2024: At 06:06 AM (LFT), Mr. Taste can be briefly seen eating from the back of the feeder.
- April 04, 2024: At 04:24 AM (LFT), Mr. Taste is spotted eating from the back. During this time he is unaware that Mr. Eclair was lurking behind him. He was then later spotted at 05:30 AM (LFT) for breakfast.
- April 05, 2024: At 03:38 AM (LFT), Mr. Taste is seen eating from the back. His usual routine.
- April 06, 2024: At 12:24 AM, 01:04 AM, 04:31 AM, and 09:31 AM (LFT), Mr. Taste was spotted. His first visit is when the feeder caretaker is cleaning the area, otherwise nothing notable happened besides him eating from the bowls.
- April 10, 2024: At 02:04 AM (LFT), Mr. Taste was briefly spotted having large bites out of the food bowls.
- April 11, 2024: At 01:44 AM (LFT), Mr. Taste was seen with the feeder caretaker. His impatience and greed lead him to steal massive bites of shredded chicken while it was being prepped. Once his appetite was filled, he left for the night.
- April 12, 2024: At 12:32 AM (LFT), Mr. Taste was seen peeking in as he watched the caretaker prep the food bowls. He was waiting for the perfect time to sneak in and snack on some food. He was later spotted at 02:54 AM (LFT) for some more food.
- April 14, 2024: At 01:49 AM (LFT), Mr. Taste was seen having his dinner meal. He eats for a good few minutes before heading out for the night.
- April 15, 2024: At 02:29 AM (LFT), Mr. Taste rushes towards the food bowls for his late dinner. He is seen eating for a while before leaving for the night.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Dinner time!
Mr. Taste having a nice meal.
Mr. Taste unaware that Mr. Eclair is lurking behind him.
His greed... (GIF)
Mr. Taste checking things out before having dinner. (GIF)