Mrs. Uneasy
Mr. Uneasy is a cat who visits the GOODCAT Freeze-Dried House feeder. He is known for looking deeply worried for no particular reason, hence his name.
He was first sighted on May 12, 2024. He is often confused with Other Orange Cat. He is also compared to Little Fella because of his bug-eyed stare.
Mr. Uneasy is, surprisingly, not very skittish. He is happy to sit and wait at the feeder, as well as eat the food. However, he has not been seen with other cats; perhaps they are the subject of his worries. He does tend to look around a bit, as other GOOODCATS do. He is also a known fan of Chicken Snacks.

Mr. Uneasy is a shorthaired orange cat. He is quite small in size. He has a thin back with orange tabby stripes. He has a small head and nose, with large green eyes. He often has an anxious expression.

May 2024
- May 12, 2024: At around 09:00 PM (LFT), Mr. Uneasy was first spotted at GOODCAT Freeze-Dried House. He was sitting in the feeder's box, staring at the camera with his anxious eyes. He waited about 30 minutes, before finally receiving food and digging in.
- May 24, 2024: At around 09:40 PM (LFT), Mr. Uneasy was once again seen at Freeze-Dried House. He looked rather spooked whilst waiting for food. Once he was fed, some chicken snacks fell on his head, however he was not fazed.
- May 26, 2024: At around 10:50 PM (LFT), Mr. Uneasy was seen at Freeze-Dried House. He was sitting in the box before eating some fresh snacks.
- May 27, 2024: At around 04:24 PM (LFT), Mr. Uneasy was spotted sitting in the box, with chicken snacks on his head.
June 2024
- June 02, 2024: At around 12:56 AM (LFT), Mr. Uneasy was spotted in the box. He looked very amazed once some chicken snacks dropped, and ate them happily.
- June 05, 2024: At 08:30 PM (LFT) Mr. Uneasy was observed absolutely demolishing two servings of fresh snacks and one serving of dry food. He hungrily scarfed down the food before going about his night.
- June 17, 2024: At around 04:57 AM (LFT), Mr. Uneasy was seen loafing at GOODCAT 2, waiting for food. He wandered around for a bit, until he was finally fed just under 30 minutes later, which he was very excited about.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Mr. Uneasy recoils from the viewers
Mr. Uneasy with chicken dust on his head
Mr. Uneasy with his stomper in the feeder
Mr. Uneasy looking terrified
Mr. Uneasy looking uneasy (wow)
Mr. Uneasy staring at you