Mr. Eek
Mr. Eek is a cat who visits the GOODCAT feeder. He was named after his rampant fear of the food dispenser, running away whenever fresh kibble is about to drop. He was first sighted on August 17, 2024, and has visited consistently since then.
It is speculated that Mr. Eek could be related to Mrs. Arrive, however this is unconfirmed.
Mr. Eek, at first glance, is a relatively chill cat. He will eat from the feeder with no issue. However, as soon as more food is about to dispense, he runs away at incredible speeds. Poor Mr. Eek never gets to see the fresh kibble that was donated for him - he is always too far away by the time it has landed in the bowl.
Over time, Mr. Eek got used to the feeder. He now only gets moderately startled when food drops, and he doesn't run away. He readily eats both kibble and chicken snacks. It is unknown how he acts around other cats.
Mr. Eek is a spotted brown tabby cat. He is similar to Mrs. Arrive and Mr. Jazzy in appearance, but is distinguishable by his back markings and brown paws - as opposed to Jazzy's white paws. He has lighter markings on his face, and a dark nose.
Mr. Eek appears a bit small, indicating he may be young. However, he is likely still an adult cat. It can be difficult to get a good view of Mr. Eek's face, as he is most often seen running away.


August 2024
- August 17, 2024: At around 05:00 AM (LFT), Mr. Eek arrived to an empty feeder. He gave a judging side-eye to the camera, he ran away after fresh kibble was dispensed.
- August 18, 2024: At around 04:00 AM (LFT), Mr. Eek was crunching on some kibble. Once the dispenser went off, he bolted out of the feeder at an incredible speed, leaving the fresh kibble to sit in the bowl, uneaten.
- August 19, 2024: At around 02:24 AM (LFT), Mr. Eek was eating some kibble from the bowl. That was until the dastardly machine dispensed more kibble, causing Mr. Eek to flee in such a panic that he flung the lid off of the bowl. Viewers say he was so fast that he ran away in only one frame.
- August 27, 2024: At 10:50 PM (LFT), Mr. Eek came to the feeder and very cautiously munched. He didn't eat very much, and he would mostly hang around the feeder inspecting the machine to see if it was safe to eat from after the terrifying events of August 19th 2024. He left at 10:52 PM (LFT).
October 2024
- October 16, 2024: At 3:54 AM (LFT), Mr. Eek was seen eating kibble at GOODCAT 2. A minute later, he exited the feeder, but snacks were dropped soon after and he returned to eat them. While he ate the snacks, Mr. Domino appeared and watched Mr. Eek eat from outside the feeder. Mr. Eek looked back at Mr. Domino, and they stared at each other for a few seconds before Mr. Domino jumped onto the roof of the feeder. He continued to eat, getting moderately startled when food dropped, but never running away. He did leave the feeder once to see what was going on outside, then came back in a few seconds later. At 4:08, Mr. Eek left for good.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Mr. Eek is disappointed with the empty bowl
Mr. Eek flies away (GIF)
Mr. Eek coming back for snacks
Mr. Eek gets close
Mr. Eek's startled face
Mr. Eek being so brave and only getting a little startled when kibble was dropped (GIF)
Mr. Eek with a chicken snack crumb stuck to his paw