Mr. Otter
Mr. Otter is a cat seen at YouZi's Animal Canteen. He was named for his fully black tail closely resembling an Otter's tail.
Mr. Otter has a fully white body apart from a large blotch of black wrapping around his upper behind and a black, oval-shaped spot on his back. He has a black mustache on his face, while on the upper part of it, a black patch wraps around his head similar to a reverse widow peak.
Mr. Otter is known to "blep" at the feeder for long amounts of time. It is unknown whether he likes to do this, or if he forgets about his tongue. He also has some of the longest tongue flicks of all the cats at the feeder.
- March 12th, 2024: At 6:25 AM (CST), Mr. Otter was first recorded eating kibbles.
- March 13th, 2024: At 9:09 AM (CST), Mr. Otter snacked on kibbles.
- March 16th, 2024: At 2:39 PM (CST), Mr. Otter was searching for kibble during the short-lived kibble famine. However, once viewers donated food, Mr. Otter lets Ms. Wisp eat everything. Luckily, Mr. Otter was awarded with fancy food later on by a human.
- March 17th, 2024: At 12:52 PM (CST), Mr. Otter was seen eating kibbles.
- March 19th 2024: At 2:58PM (CST), Mr. Otter was seen looking around the area, then eating some kibble for approximately 5 mins.
(Note: Some cat sightings are not recorded either due to the cat being a common visitor or not having wiki editors online during the time of their appearance).
Mr. Otter bleps
Mr. Otter's back (look like LSG)
Mr. Otter transforms into a creature beyond comprehension