Mr. Shadow
Mr. Shadow is a cat at the Lucky 7-Eleven Ⅱ (Mr. Snack feeder). He appears similar to Mr. Goatee but lacks the white patch of fur. He got his name from looking like, well, a shadow. Also, Mr. Shadow lurks a lot. He guards the doors to the Shadow Realm (Florida).
Mr. Shadow seems to be a very calm and relaxed cat. While he is a bit cautious at times, he fears neither the feeder nor other cats. He seems to be calm while eating, as he is too hungry at all times to be concerned with mortal beings.
Mr. Shadow is very similar to Mr. Goatee, him being a black tom, but has no white patch of fur and no cut in his left ear. He is fairly large, with big tom-cat cheeks. He looks nearly identical to Mr. Eclipse.

April 2024
- April 19, 2024: At 07:33 PM (LFT), Mr. Shadow's first recorded sighting occurred. He stayed eating until 07:37 PM (LFT) before leaving, and reappearing at 08:42 PM (LFT).
- April 21, 2024: At 03:56 AM (LFT), Mr. Shadow was seen briefly at the feeder, taking a couple mouthfuls of food before leaving again.
- April 22, 2024: At 06:50 PM (LFT), Mr. Shadow arrived at the feeder, promptly getting snack dust all over his head. Undeterred, he ate for four minutes before leaving again.
May 2024
- May 03, 2024: At 11:48 AM (LFT), Mr. Shadow hesitantly entered the premises for a snack.
- May 07 2024: At around 02:15 AM (LFT), Mr. Shadow was seen absolutely gulping down food. Later between 04:00 AM and 05:00 AM (LFT) he was seen behind Mr. Sneeze, who was eating kibble. When he got close after kibble got dispensed, Mr. Sneeze hissed at him. When Mr. Sneeze left, Mr. Shadow also walked away from the feeder.
- May 10 2024: At around 12:39 AM (LFT), Mr. Shadow was seen eating some kibble.
- May 11 2024: Mr. Shadow walked in eating some kibble, being joined by another cat (possibly Mr. Cow), at roughly 05:07 AM (LFT). He left shortly after.
- May 12, 2024: At roughly around 12:00 AM (LFT) Mr. Shadow arrived at the feeder and scared off Ms. Glare before eating. He left shortly after.
- May 27, 2024: At around 08:44 PM (LFT) Mr. Shadow entered the feeder from the side after sitting there for an unknown amount of time. After eating some kibble he later left at 08:47 PM (LFT)
- May 29, 2024: At 3:35 AM (LFT) Mr. Shadow entered the feeder from the right side and was seen eating. After eating 2 minutes he left at 3:37 AM (LFT)
June 2024
- June 9, 2024: At around 03:10 AM (LFT) Mr. Shadow was seen eating for around 8 minutes while looking around outside the feeder multiple times, likely hearing Mr. Dao who arrived shortly after he left.
October 2024
- October 18, 2024: At around 10:10 PM (LFT) Mr. Shadow stared spookily at Ms. Tortilla while she ate. When she left, her quickly entered the feeder, sniffing cautiously at the kibble before eating. After eating for about 5-6 minutes, the lights of the feeder turned off and he disappeared into the shadows.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Mr. Shadow from above
Mr. Shadow eating. Note lack of ear scar.
Mr. Shadow checking out the food.
Mr. Shadow living up to his name.
He watches.
Stop looking at me like that, bro
The one who mlems