Ms. Bib

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Revision as of 16:04, 14 March 2025 by KayokoSudou (talk | contribs) (grammar checking and added info)
Ms. Bib

Ms. Bib looking cute as ever.
Other name(s)

From the Chinese Community: Little Idiot (小逼)

From the English Community: Bibby, Capyclone
Breed Domestic Shorthair
Coat Tabby-striped Calico
Sex Female
Rarity Uncommon (when compared to Mrs. Dress)
Occupation Being ditzy and silly, full of food and joyous whimsy!
Eye Color Greenish Yellow
Personality Air headed and Hyperactive
First known sighting 13th February 2025
Parents Possibly Mr. Slam, could also be related through a relative from Mama Tortoiseshell's family, or through the father of Ms. Tux and Mr. Edo.
Siblings Ms. Bow (suspected)
Partner None
Children None
Other Close friends with Ms. Bow and Capy.

Ms. Bib, whose name is unsurprisingly based off of her nickname in the Chinese community, Xiao Bi (小逼, lit. "Little Idiot"), is one of the several "newcomers" that have been showing up at the Ten Thousand Kitties House (万猫屋) as of late. Her name is coined based off of the unintentional feeder name theme, being that most of them are terms found in the fashion industry, along with its similarity and connection to the word "baby".

She is known for her air headedness and hyperactivity, a trait that she embodies very well, along with her habit of eating from one of the many food bowls in the feeder in a weird posture. She is also known for looking similar to several other cats in the feeder, namely Capy and Mr. Slam, who are suspected to be her relatives.


Ms. Bib is a silly and energetic cat, she can be seen moving her head around constantly and is frequently found playing with the various trinkets that decorate the feeder. She also gets into a lot of antics without knowing what exactly happened, an example being that she was once slapped by Mrs. Dress for trying to use her as a shield, but instead of protecting herself, Ms. Bib chose to flop on her belly and yawn as if nothing happened. She is the only cat in the feeder to have ever successfully ignored Mrs. Dress' antics.

She is also seen eating extremely often, much to the chagrin of the other cats, for extremely long periods of time. It is comparable to that of Mr. Slam's average, which is around 10-20 minutes per feeder visit, fueling the theory that Mr. Slam is actually Ms. Bib's birth father. She acts as if she haven't ate for days, when in reality, she just ate an hour ago.


Ms. Bib is a tabby-stripped calico with a white underbelly and nape, which makes her look as if she is always wearing a bib. She also has a pink nose and a long white stripe on the bridge between her eyes. Her tabby markings notably look similar to Mr. Slam's and Mr. Heartthrob's, albeit hers is less condensed and lacking the distinctive "spine" that both Mr. Slam and Mr. Heartthrob has.

She is also the smallest cat in the feeder, smaller than both Capy and Tiny Peanut, but around the same size as her suspected sister, Ms. Bow. She has also been seen with big dilated pupils during most of her visits.


February 2025

  • February 13, 2025: 10:07PM (LFT) Ms. Bib was first sighted eating the wet kibble from the two bowls outside the feeder. She switched between two of the bowls and ate for the next 21 minutes, non-stop.
  • February 14, 2025: 11:11PM (LFT) Ms. Bib was spotted eating from one of the bowls outside the feeder again. It's unknown how long she ate for, but it's probably more than 20 minutes judging by her usual eating time.
  • February 16, 2025: 7:30AM (LFT) Ms. Bib went inside the feeder area, nibbling on the kibble inside the feeder before cleaning her tongue with her paws. After a few minutes of doing that, she resumed her eating, albeit in a weird posture no other cat in this feeder could do.
  • February 16, 2025: 7:22PM (LFT) Ms. Bib was spotted inside the feeder laying on the blanket, looking around with curiosity.
  • February 18, 2025: 4:31AM (LFT) Ms. Bib was spotted inside the feeder. She seems to be staring at someone outside the feeder, presumably Capy. She left at around 4:39AM (LFT).
  • February 19, 2025: 2:04AM (LFT) Ms. Bib was spotted inside the feeder, laying down on the blanket and playing with it by pulling it up.

March 2025

  • March 13, 2025: At 6:13 PM (LFT), while Ms. Bib was loafing in the small bed-basket to the side of the feeder, Mr. Slam decided to come in for his 15th meal of the day to satiate his great hunger. He didn't spare a glance at Ms. Bib, who looked to be related to him and was overall ignoring him in favor of loafing, so he chose to start his great feasting of kibbles and treats instead. This didn't last long though, as Brother Styles barged in and immediately started intimidating him (he does this a lot). As usual, Mr. Slam ignored him and continued eating, which prompted Brother Styles to leave and hide himself next to the loafing Ms. Bib, preparing himself for a sneak attack. Unsurprisingly, it worked. He managed to trap Mr. Slam inside the tarp by blocking the entrance with his big size, but it also managed to piss Mr. Slam off. This resulted in the two of them staring each other down for several minutes until 6:24 PM (LFT), where, out of anger, Mr. Slam climbed up the feeder and onto the bed-loft, which held Brother Styles' favorite round bed that he loves to sleep on, and pissed on it with ferocity of a man scorned. Shocked, Brother Styles, Ms. Bib and Ms. Bow (who had arrived to eat a couple of minutes earlier) stared at the reigning Mr. Slam, who had won over Brother Styles for the first time in his life. Ms. Bib and Ms. Bow decided to leave in face of this situation, while Brother Styles continued to stare Mr. Slam down (who jumped off the loft and started hiding himself in the crevice between the tarp and the feeder) until 6:45PM (LFT), where Mr. Slam ran out of the feeder.

(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")


 List of feeders and cats from Ten Thousand Kitties House

Brother StylesMama TortoiseshellMr. CatMr. Edo
Mr. SlamMrs. DressMs. BibMs. TuxThe Newcomer


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Auspicious RestaurantBaldie Carrot, the Cats' ProtectorBlessings Be With YouBig Man's Cat Houses
Brother Fresh's Last DayBrother Fresh’s Exclusive Castle CatMojoCat House of Compassion in HeQing Town
Cat House of Compassion in HeQing TownCat Paradise 1Cats Who Love to Eat
Eat and Drink Without Worries ~ Happy Meow Island ⌯'ㅅ'⌯Eat Enough Every DayGagaxuan Canteen
GOODCATGuangzhou Lucky HouseGUCCIGuitar Cat & Robot CatHappy Canteen
Happy Canteen No.2Happy Cat House No.2Hi MeowHouse of Compassion by the Strait
Huanzi Animal Rescue Base 1John's CanteenJOJO Miaomiaowu
Kitty CornerLi XiaoMen's Feeder for Orange CatsLittle Sun Party
Little Wanderer’s ParadiseLucky 7-Eleven ⅡLucky Meow Bobo Room Feeder
MaoMao's Streetcat House of LoveMeow Meow Rub RubMeow Meow's Whine HouseMeow Wind Chime House
No Hungry Cats Left BehindOrange Cat KindergartenSanjing Brand Cat ClubSnowball Cat StationSoaring Cat
Team BingBing Helps Stray Cats Find Their Forever HomeTuxedo and Tabby SquadTechnological Cat House
Ten Thousand Kitties HouseThe SanWei Bookstore's Kitty Canteen
There's Too Much... Too Much To Finish CompletelyWarm Home Pet Sales Department
Woohoo Big Face Baga MeowXizi MaydayYishan Stray Cat BaseYouZi's Animal CanteenZz Kitten House

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