Mr. Mlem
Mr. Mlem is a cat from the GOODCAT feeder. He was first spotted when a user discovered the feeder via it's funny name. Mr. Mlem is a frequent visitor of his feeder. There are two GOODCAT feeders in close proximity to each other, however Mr. Mlem has only been seen at the Kibble-Only feeder.
He is named as such, since he always sticks his tongue out. This was later confirmed to be due to stomatitis. Despite his dental issues, Mr. Mlem seems to eat without much issue.
Mr. Mlem seems to be a big fan of food. He is frequently spotted waiting at the feeder for food. He sometimes waits for a second feast, after just being fed. Mr. Mlem tends to lick up kibble instead of crunching it, perhaps due to his stomatitis. He often makes sure to eat every piece of kibble in the feeder.
Mr. Mlem is also rather cautious. He is usually seen checking his surroundings whilst at the feeder. This is potentially because of his feeder being in a public area. However, Mr. Mlem must also feel safe to some extent, as he sometimes goes to sleep whilst at the feeder.
Despite other cats being sighted at the feeder, Mr. Mlem has not yet been seen interacting with them.

Mr. Mlem is an orange shorthaired cat. He has dark tabby stripes on his face, but less so on his back. His most defining feature is his tongue, which is usually seen sticking out.

May 2024
- May 12, 2024: At around 05:46 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was first spotted at the GOODCAT feeder. He was seen patiently waiting for food. Once some kibble dispensed, Mr. Mlem looked up in surprise, revealing his tendency to stick his tongue out. After eating and watching his surroundings, Mr. Mlem assumed loaf formation, and fell asleep at the feeder. At around 09:30 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was once again spotted at the feeder. He was seen eating scraps of kibble, before more kibble rained down. It was at this point that Mr. Mlem looked up in surprise, and revealed to viewers his infamous blep.
Gooberish behaviour (GIF)
- May 14, 2024: At around 10:00 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was spotted sleeping at the feeder.
- May 15, 2024: At around 02:57 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was spotted again, sleeping in the same position. He woke up once food was donated, and ate with his tongue proudly on show.
- May 17, 2024: At around 04:15 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was seen soaking up the sun. He was flourishing, in his element, looking like a happy chap.
- May 18, 2024: At 11:40 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was spotted getting some late night dinner, getting so excited to the point of drooling. He ate his dinner as he curiously looked around at the area to the left of the feeder, all while he had his tongue out.
- May 22, 2024: At around 04:35 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem appeared at the feeder. He waited for a bit, before getting excited when kibble finally dropped. He ate happily, getting pieces of kibble stuck to his face. However, Mr. Mlem was still not satisfied. It seems he is evolving in brain power, as he began pawing at the feeder to get more kibble to drop. STILL not satisfied, Mr. Mlem waited at the feeder for over 1 hour, leaving at 05:47 AM (LFT). During his stay, he ate a total of 8 times. Will Mr. Mlem's appetite ever be conquered?
- May 25, 2024: At around 12:43 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was spotted resting at the feeder. He would finally receive some kibble at around 01:20 AM (LFT), and began chomping happily. After he had eaten, Mr. Mlem proceeded to sit at the feeder for 30 minutes, waiting for a second serving. He even tried staring at the camera, trying to get the kibble to drop with his mind. He was, unfortunately, unsuccessful in his efforts, and reluctantly left the feeder.
- May 26, 2024: At around 04:45 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was seen lying down at the feeder, waiting for food. He quickly ran to the feeder to eat once food was dropped. Once he ate all the food, he proceeded to lie down for over an hour (probably waiting for more food), before leaving.
- May 27, 2024: At around 04:14 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was spotted at the GOODCAT feeder.
June 2024
- June 04, 2024: At around 01:18 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was spotted eating at the GOODCAT feeder. Despite the lights flickering on and off, he just carried on munching. He would occasionally pause to look around. At one point, a snail appeared, capturing Mr. Mlem's full attention as he sat and watched. After his meal, Mr. Mlem moved towards the wicker mat, which had fallen from the feeder. He stood on it, solemnly; perhaps he is sad that he can't sit on it anymore.
- June 08, 2024: At around 04:40 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was spotted eating at the feeder. Afterwards, he would rest whilst watching his surroundings.
- June 09, 2024: At around 10:49 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was seen waiting for food at the feeder. After being fed, Mr. Mlem would wait for and eat another 3 servings. His hunger truly cannot be satiated.
- June 17, 2024: At around 10:45 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was seen carefully eating every piece of kibble at GOODCAT.
- June 20, 2024: At around 05:00 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was spotted at GOODCAT, looking very gooberish as usual.
- June 23, 2024: At around 01:18 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was seen eating at GOODCAT. He was quite pleased with the banquet.
- June 24, 2024: At around 01:10 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was waiting for food at GOODCAT. Upon viewers donating to him, Mr. Mlem stared at the food in disappointment. After a second donating, he would finally eat the food. It seems he is adopting the behaviour of Mr. Fresh and deciding to be picky. Either that, or he is plotting to get more food from the viewers.
- June 27, 2024: At around 05:30 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was spotted staring at a snail, who was inside the feeder bowl.
- June 30, 2024: At around 03:00 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was seen waiting for food. He was briefly distracted by a car passing by. He grew impatient, and began pawing at the feeder to make some kibble drop.

July 2024
- July 04, 2024: At an unknown time, Mr. Mlem was approached by Mr. Unibrow at GOODCAT 1. Mr. Unibrow would begin yowling at Mr. Mlem. However, in his gooberishness, Mr. Mlem didn't even seem to notice, and continued to eat.
- July 08, 2024: At around 01:05 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was seen eating away, whilst causing the the lights to turn on and off with his mysterious powers.
- July 09, 2024: At around 08:30 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was waiting for food. He then received a lot of kibble, eating it all very happily.
- At around 12:20 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem arrived for some more food. Unfortunately, the feeder was briefly jammed during this time, leaving Mr. Mlem kibble-less.
- July 10, 2024: At around 08:25 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was eating peacefully at GOODCAT. That is, until an unknown White Persian cat approached the feeder. The two cats sat up straight and sniffed each other, however this was when their peace ended. They proceeded to scream and yowl at each other for the next 10 minutes, getting very close up in each other's faces. For some reason, no hits were swung - they simply just kept screaming. Mr. Mlem was screaming so much that he began to drool. Eventually, the mystery cat seemed to win the encounter, as Mr. Mlem left and the white cat ate from the feeder.
- July 11, 2024: At around 05:30 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem reclaimed his territory in peace once again. He munched on some kibble at the feeder, undisturbed and looking very gooberish.
- July 12, 2024: At 2:06 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was seen eating at the feeder. The feeder's light kept turning off throughout his visit, but in the moments he could be seen, he was up to his usual antics: mlemming, eating kibble, staring down the viewers, and laying down with his face obscured from every camera.
- At 8:18 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was seen relaxing at the feeder. A minute later, an unknown white cat jumped onto the feeder for a second but then ran away. Mr. Mlem then sat up and cautiously watched outside until food was dispensed for him, which he started eating. After eating for a while, Mr. Mlem sat up, and the white cat was seen sitting outside of the feeder again. From the top camera, it was seen that this white cat was none other than Mr. Unibrow. Soon after, at 8:41, both cats went their separate ways from the feeder, but it is unknown if any kind of conflict happened before they left.
- July 16, 2024: At around 03:25 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was seen waiting for kibble at GOODCAT. He would happily spring up and chow down once some food was donated.
- At around 08:24 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was seen licking up kibble, with a very extreme blep going on.
- July 17, 2024: At around 03:11 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem ate some kibble at GOODCAT. He would then sit and wait for more - his stomach is truly a black hole.
- At around 03:40 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was seen eating food, and presenting his tongue to the viewers.
- July 19, 2024: At around 09:45 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem came to eat at GOODCAT. The beginnings of the Ants' invasion could be seen, with only a few in the feeder bowl.
- July 21, 2024: At around 03:28 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was waiting for some food. Unfortunately, the feeder was completely overrun with ants. He tried, but failed, to take an ant-free bite of food. The ants would work together to carry a piece of kibble out of the feeder. They gradually cleared themselves out, allowing Mr. Mlem to eat his meal.
- July 23, 2024: At around 01:49 AM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was crashed out at the feeder. It seems the feeder was jammed, causing Mr. Mlem to take a nap until he could eat. Finally, at 02:24 AM (LFT), the feeder would un-jam itself, and Mr. Mlem would receive his much anticipated meal.
- July 24, 2024: At around 10:28 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was seen waiting for food. He would then munch away once he received it.
- July 25, 2024: At around 09:13 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was laying down, waiting for some food. He almost ate an entire 3 servings, before deciding he'd had enough, and left.
- July 26, 2024: At around 7:53 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was seen at GOODCAT. He ate for a while, before sitting back to relax. For once, Mr. Mlem did not demand more dinner from the viewers. He looked a bit soggy at the back, from the rain.
- July 27, 2024: At around 08:09 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was loafing and waiting for food. He ate most of the donations, but waited for fresh kibble once the last lot was left.
- July 29, 2024: At around 10:54 PM (LFT), Mr. Mlem was lounging at the feeder. Despite there being kibble in the bowl, he would only get up to eat it once fresh kibble was dispensed. It won't be long until he starts side-eyeing the camera, too...
August 2024
- August 01, 2024: At around 02:06 AM, Mr. Mlem was looking around the feeder. He happily ate up the fresh donations that arrived. His fur was noticeably spikey at the back, for some reason.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Mr. Mlem being a goober
Mr. Mlem giving a side-eye to the camera
Advanced blehhhh
Mr. Mlem stares you down
Mr. Mlem practicing the teachings of Brother Calm
What a silly fellow
Mr. Mlem has no concept of personal space
Mr. Mlem making an abhorrent face.
Mr. Mlem recovering emotionally from the sudden appearance and disappearance of a white cat, who was later revealed to be Mr. Unibrow
mmmmm yummy kibble