Mr. Mei
Mr. Mei, one of the bodyguards of the yakuza feeder group, Team BingBing Helps Stray Cats Find Their Forever Home, was named after his resemblance to internet famous cat MeiMei (Vro/Tole Tole), both being golden ticked tabbies.
He is often seen at Feeder 3 of the BingBing feeders.
Mr. Mei spends most of his time sitting at the feeder, rarely eating. He seems to get along with other cats and maintains his position when visitors arrive. When he isn't keeping a watchful eye on the surrounding area, he is snoozing off. Quite a relaxed bodyguard.
Mr. Mei is a golden ticked tabby, with a pretty brown-gold coat without any markings and a light tan mouth that goes down to the inside of his legs, which both have brown stripes. His right ear has a TNR mark and seemingly another small hole. His eyes are green and he has a black nose.
May 2024
- 5/24/2024: Attention was brought upon Mr. Mei's existence, noting his appearance and interesting personality, standing next to Mr. Boss, like a true bodyguard. He was quite sleepy though... what a slacker.
- 5/26/2024: 2:46AM LFT: Mr. Mei was watching a large gathering at Feeder 2 before smacking a white cat. A few hours later he went in Feeder 2 to relax with Ms. Poodle.
- 5/26/2024: 8:09AM LFT: Mr. Mei was seen sitting at Feeder 3, sniffing the air. He spent a long while there, seeing many visitors.
- 5/27/2024: 10:46PM LFT: Mr. Mei was relaxing at Feeder 3 before being scared off by a white cat that was staring at him. Maybe the one he smacked...?
- 5/29/2024: 12:47AM LFT: Mr. Mei was seen relaxing at Feeder 3. He later went to cat watch at Feeder 2.
- 5/30/2024: 12:59PM LFT: Mr. Mei was seen at Feeder 3, actually eating for once.
- 6/02/2024: Mr. Mei was seen doing his usual routine of sitting at Feeder 3.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Mr. Mei snoozing away.
Mr. Mei watching another cat.
Meimei copying another cat.
Mr. Mei's shadow..?
Mr. Mei grumpily watches a ravenous visitor.