Ms. Raccoon
Ms. Raccoon is a cat from the Tanuki Squad (狸 花 小 分 队) feeder. She received her name after a community discussion, relating to her raccoon-esque appearance.
She was first sighted on April 25, 2024.
Ms. Raccoon often arrives on her own and is not fussy about the food that she receives. She will wait patiently and graciously leave. She will recline at the feeder, using the bowl as a pillow, enjoying some peace and quiet. Though the other cats have given her trouble in the past, it seems as though they have arrived on good terms as of late.
She is a three legged cat that has a face that resembles a raccoon.

April 2024
- April 25, 2024: At 10:00 AM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon came to eat at the feeder. She was kindly given treats and a lot of kibble.
May 2024
- May 06, 2024: At 09:23 AM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon visited the feeder to eat and left soon after she was full.
- May 07, 2024: At 10:52 AM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon sat at the feeder and enjoyed the kibble that was present.
- At 05:23 PM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon returned, but was scared off by a pair of kids passing by.
- May 11, 2024: At 10:36 PM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon hopped onto the feeder, unperturbed by the TNR trap.
- May 13, 2024: At 09:17 PM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon arrived at the feeder and enjoyed the kibble and treats that had been left by the caretaker.
- May 16, 2024: At 01:09 PM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon peered into the feeder bowl, before settling down to eat some kibble.
- May 17, 2024: At 10:07 AM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon arrived to the feeder and was happy to eat some kibble for breakfast.
- May 27, 2024: At 11:41 AM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon made a return. She was greeted by both treats and kibble.
- At 06:13 PM (LFT), returning to the feeder again, she got first claim to the tray of kibble left by the caretaker.
- May 28, 2024: At 11:21 AM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon snacked on treats and kibble.
- May 29, 2024: At 05:22 PM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon visited and loafed at the feeder, resting her head on the feeder bowl to beg for food. She eventually laid down and took a brief nap. Though she was interrupted by Big Grey at 05:37 PM (LFT). He waited for her to finish eating.
June 2024
- June 06, 2024: At 09:19 AM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon visited and ate chicken treats. She inspected the cubby before leaving.
- June 13, 2024: At 06:26 AM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon waited by the feeder - though moving out of the way for Ms. Fox and a pair of kittens.
- June 14, 2024: At 06:20 AM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon reclined and enjoyed the morning sun. She took a nap.
- June 17, 2024: At 10:11 AM (LFT), She arrived to lay down and enjoyed a cool drink of water. She then took a quick nap.
- At 03:14 PM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon laid by the feeder and cleaned her fur.
- June 18, 2024: At 12:30 PM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon ate at the feeder and got startled by an unknown cat.
- June 21, 2024: At 12:36 PM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon was sighted eating at the feeder. She was accompanied by Mr. Slither, who waited outside. She quickly left, and he followed.
- June 24, 2024: At 10:17 AM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon dined on kibble and finished most of the chicken that was in the bowl.
- June 28, 2024: At 09:28 AM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon sat at the feeder. She enjoyed the tray of kibble, before being startled by Ms. Fox at 09:45 AM (LFT).
- At 09:41 PM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon rested at the feeder, one arm rested on the bowl in a smug manner.
July 2024
- July 11, 2024: At 01:03 PM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon hopped into the feeder. She loafed and gave the camera a content smile.
- July 12, 2024: At 01:31 PM (LFT), Ms. Raccoon arrived, and was yowled at by Ms. Fox. Ms. Raccoon sat placidly until she was scared off by an unseen cat. This caused Ms. Fox to run away as well.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Ms. Raccoon from the front
Ms. Raccoon giving a side-eye
Ms. Raccoon from above
Ms. Raccoon eating some snacks
Ms. Raccoon lounging
Ms. Raccoon chilling out