Mx. Midnight
Ms. Midnight is a cat that showed up at the Happy Canteen. Her name was given for her coming to the feeder at midnight and her white and black coat. She was also coined the name "Ms. Banshee" due to her literally screaming for a turn on the feeder as Mr. Puke was blocking the way
The personality of the tuxedo cat is one of impatience, as she couldn't possibility try to wait her turn. Instead she decided to be loud and rowdy, yelling to get her way. She may be spoiled or hates Mr. Puke, perhaps she knows what he has done.
Ms. Midnight is a black cat with white spotting on her chest and chin. She has white whiskers. Her white chest almost circles around her head. She also has a scar or possible injury on her neck.
- March 13, 2024 - Ms. Midnight showed up for the the first time after Mr. Puke. There was an altercation between them as Mr. Puke was blocking the feeder and refused to move, and Ms. Midnight decided to tell him off. Eventually he backed away and she ate.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Ms. Midnight looking to the side.
Ms. Midnight eating
Ms. Midnight approaching the kibble, Truly a terrifying creature