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Might be a new cat since Happy Canteen has been getting tons of new guys lately (I accidentally discovered one myself) -Crystal

The great migration of cats has finally begun. Can´t wait to see the goofy names for them all. Plus, I wonder where they all came from (maybe a decomishoned feeder in the area sent them to Happy Canteen?)/ - Cat Enthusiast
^^ Real. Also ty for using my poster (or a variation of it in this case) -Crystal

I myself havent seen this silly goober much. I looked through the list of cats at Happy Canteen, and no cat looking like this showed up. I think youve found a new silly for us to document! Such a gooblyglonker, looks like a lion tbh. - Cat Enthusias
I think we should put him as a Brother Calm disciple, cause he just stared at the camera sitting still for like 10 minutes before eating for about 1-2 minutes, though I'm still looking out for this fella. - Zeeper
Maybe name him The Discipled One or something silly like that. (also havent seen that guy since the post) - Cat Enthusiast
I love the little guy - Unienjoyer!