Paul is an orange cat seen at YiShan Stray Cat Base 4. He is unique for having lighter orange fur than the other orange cats at the feeder. His sandy fur color led to a wiki user to name him Paul after the main character from Dune, a story that takes place on a planet covered in sand. He can often be seen on camera, as he enjoys laying inside the feeder. He was first sighted by the global community on March 26th, 2024.
Paul enjoys relaxing inside of the feeder. He can often be seen sleeping inside of the feeder, even when it is very crowded. At times, he hangs out in the feeder for hours at once. One of his favorite places to lay in the feeder is in between the feeder bowl and the wall. Sometimes, he squeezes his whole body into this gap; otherwise, he lays along the inside wall of the feeder, with just his head in this gap.
He does not seem to mind the presence of other cats; he continues to happily relax when they lay down next to him. Paul is definitely not claustrophobic; there can sometimes be up to four other cats squished inside the feeder with him, especially when the Caretaker is near the feeder, and he just chills out in his corner, relaxing and watching everyone. He doesn't even mind when cats rest their head on him and use him as a pillow. When he's in between the feeder bowl and the wall, he sometimes watches cats eat by pressing his face against the feeder's clear cover.
Besides relaxing, he also can be seen grooming himself, sometimes aggressively; however, he doesn't appear to have any bald patches that would indicate overgrooming.
As of 7/25/24 he has been spotted sneezing a lot which is likely due to an upper respiratory infection, aka a cold. UPI's in cats are typically mild and go away on their own after a couple of weeks but are highly contagious which makes them very common and hard to get rid of in animal shelters such as the Yishan Stray Cat Base.
Paul is an orange tabby. What sets him apart is that his fur is a lighter orange color than the fur of other shorthaired cats at the feeder; his fur is almost beige in color. Faint tabby stripes can be seen on his front legs. He is solid orange except for his white belly.

May 2024
- May 28, 2024: Around 2:15 PM (LFT), Paul was seen sitting in the feeder. Chicken snacks were dropped for him, which he enjoyed. He also laid down along the back of the feeder and fell asleep.
July 2024
- July 20, 2024: Around 2:00 AM (LFT), Paul was seen hanging out at the feeder. He was grooming himself a lot, sometimes doing so pretty frantically.
- July 23, 2024: At 2:16 PM (LFT), Paul was seen relaxing in the feeder with Mr. Keyhole. Once Mr. Keyhole woke up and left, Paul continued relaxing in the feeder as many cats went in and out. At one point, while the feeder was empty, he looked up and read the sign on the back wall of the feeder. He left around 3:30.
- July 24, 2024: At 10:59 AM (LFT), Paul was seen eating at the feeder. He was eating more chicken snacks than kibble. At 11:02, Paul heard the caretaker eating something, so he ran outside to go beg them for some of their food.
- July 25, 2024: At 8:30 PM (LFT), Paul was seen laying in the feeder, between the feeder bowl and the wall. Michael and two other cats were in the feeder along with him; Michael had laid his head on Paul's back and was using him as a pillow, snuggling him happily. Michael eventually got up to eat, and Paul left at around 8:52.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Paul sitting.
Paul from the side.
Paul kinda curled up while napping.
Whoa, hey buddy! Didn't see ya there!
Paul happier than he's ever been.
Paul laying in his favorite spot.
Paul reading the sign in the feeder.
Paul reading the sign in the feeder (different angle).
Paul sitting in the gap, facing outwards.
Paul sleeping with just his face in the gap.
Another cat resting its tail on Paul (Paul enjoys this).
Paul (top left, in the gap) being used as a pillow by Michael.