Brother Valentine
Brother Valentine first appeared at the Happy Canteen feeder. He is a brown tabby cat and is a very expressive lad. His first appearance was on March 11th, 2024, 10:57 AM UTC+8
Brother Valentine is quite bold and completely unbothered by other cats. He is known for his mellow demeanor. When other cats smell him, they draw back and sometimes run away—perhaps because his aura exudes such strong energy that it's overwhelming to be in his presence.
Brother Valentine is a brown mackerel tabby cat. He doesn't seem to have much white spotting, and has big round eyes. He also has a distinct heart shaped marking on the left side of his back.

- March 11th, 2024 - Brother Valentine has been seen twice, both times on the same night. First appearing when Ms. Takeout was enjoying some kibble and startled her by just walking into the feeder, Ms. Takeout took out and he proceeded to go in and eat, generally pretty calm but felt the need to flash the camera for a bit.
- March 12th, 2024 - The Trials of Brother Valentine
- March 20th, 2024 - Brother Valentine was seen at 2:32 AM CST. He ate for only 3 minutes, then left.
The Trials of Brother Valentine
Brother Valentine received the title of Brother Valentine after demonstrating extraordinary patience and tranquility in the face of the tempting vices of Mt. Kibble and several provocations from other cats for two hours. During this time, he demonstrated himself a worthy disciple of the teachings of Brother Calm.
On March 12th, 2024, Brother Valentine appeared at around 9:45 AM (feeder time) while Mr. Piss was eating. Mr. Piss growled at him, but Brother Valentine remained unprovoked and, in a show of peace, began to eat alongside Mr. Piss instead. He ate for around three to five minutes before Mr. Piss left, then proceeded to eat for a few more minutes before being interrupted by Mr. Beef, who opposed him a bit before backing off and leaving. Brother Valentine loafed on the platform and peacefully stared off into the distance.
Ms. Chunky appeared shortly afterwards and cautiously approached the feeder but was startled away by a noise. Mr. Valentine then peacefully slept for around 45 minutes, remaining completely unperturbed by the kibble and snacks being dispensed, before Ms. Chunky came back and growled at him. He moved out of her way but immediately went back to sleep on the platform. Ms. Chunky ate and did not disturb his slumber any further. Soon after, Brother Valentine was bitten on the neck while sleeping by Mr. Sniffles, who had come to eat, resulting in a brief spat. Brother Valentine resumed sleeping afterward.
Mr. Valentine finally left at 12:16 PM local feeder time, spending two-and-a-half hours in the feeder.
Brother Valentine completely geeked up at the sight of kibble.
Brother Valentine backing up after Mr. Airplane arrived for dinner.
Brother Valentine loafing
Brother Valentine (Right) and Mr. Piss (Left) feeding together.
Brother Valentine looks at an off-screen cat while loafing.