Mrs. Island

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Mrs. Island

Mrs. Island's face
Other name(s) Ms. Continent, Butter Orange (CN: 奶油橘), YY
Breed Domestic Shorthair
Coat Red (orange) Tabby with High White Spotting
Sex Female
Rarity Common
Occupation Screamer. Chases away other cats and stands guard at the feeding station without eating anything. She is also a member of the Bald Congress.
Appearance Mostly white with orange spots on her back, and an orange tail. Has a white strip down the middle of her face
Personality Defensive, rude, impatient
First known sighting Unknown
Parents Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Partner Unknown
Children The Islets (Lil Puke, 2 unnamed)

Mrs. Island is a somewhat common visitor to the Happy Canteen feeder, named for the spots on her back that look like an island. Mrs. Island is a current member of the Bald Congress.

Mrs. Island was nicknamed Ms. Continent during her pregnancy. In August 2025, Mrs. Island came with three children, one of them had a sore eye and a crooked tail; she usually smacked him a lot. That kid grew up to be the taunting Lil Puke.


Mrs. Island is known to be a rude fella that chases out other cats, because... she can. In an incident, she chased away another cat from the food bowl, after which she stood guard at the kibble without eating.

Mrs. Island has also been seen crawling under the platform that the kibble station rests on, and reappearing on the other side. She has been previously spotted fighting and being impatient with other cats.

Mrs. Island is known to be a screamer. When there is another cat at the feeder, she will yowl at them for minutes until the other cat retreats. Her current known victims are Ms. Carpet and surprisingly Mrs. Kirby.


Mrs. Island is a white and orange mackerel tabby with high grade white spotting, and a white "T" shaped strip down her face. Her tail is completely orange. She has multiple patches of orange on her back that look like islands, and has a bit of a moustache on her face.

Above view of Mrs. Island


Click on [Expand] to see sightings from previous months!

February 2024

March 2024

April 2024

May 2024

June 2024

July 2024

August 2024

September 2024

November 2024

December 2024

January 2025

February 2025

(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")


 List of feeders and cats from Happy Canteen

Brother ValentineDr. SmudgeGoobertLil Ms. ScallywagLil PukeLittle Bean SproutLittle Scraggly Guy
Mr. AdidasMs. AirplaneMs. AngelMr. AnxietyMr. BaldMr. BeanMr. BeefMs. Beetle
Ms. BurntMr. ButterMs. CamoMs. CarpetMs. CharlieMs. ChessMr. Chicken
Mrs. ChunkyMr. Cool CucumberMr. CreamMs. CroissantMr. CrumbMr. Crunch
Mr. DoomMr. DotMr. EggMr. FatMs. FluffMr. FreshMr. GentlemanMr. Halo
Mr. HonkMs. InceptionMr. InsatiableMrs. IslandMx. JanitorMs. KibbleMrs. Kirby
Ms. LagMs. LoopMr. LungMs. MidnightMr. MinerMr. MonochromeMr. Nervous
Mr. NormalMr. OneMs. PaintMr. PatchMr. PissMr. PlumpMs. Pretty
Mrs. PrincessMr. PukeMr. RevMr. RibbonMs. RustMs. SadMs. Sleepy
Mr. SnifflesMr. SnoobMr. SusMs. TakeoutMs. Texas
Mr. VoidMs. WarnMr. WishboneMr. WrathThe Gluttonous Beast


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Cat House of Compassion in HeQing TownCat Paradise 1Cats Who Love to Eat
Eat and Drink Without Worries ~ Happy Meow Island ⌯'ㅅ'⌯Eat Enough Every DayGagaxuan Canteen
GOODCATGuangzhou Lucky HouseGUCCIGuitar Cat & Robot CatHappy Canteen
Happy Canteen No.2Happy Cat House No.2Hi MeowHouse of Compassion by the Strait
Huanzi Animal Rescue Base 1John's CanteenJOJO Miaomiaowu
Kitty CornerLi XiaoMen's Feeder for Orange CatsLittle Sun Party
Little Wanderer’s ParadiseLucky 7-Eleven ⅡLucky Meow Bobo Room Feeder
MaoMao's Streetcat House of LoveMeow Meow Rub RubMeow Meow's Whine HouseMeow Wind Chime House
No Hungry Cats Left BehindOrange Cat KindergartenSanjing Brand Cat ClubSnowball Cat StationSoaring Cat
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